COIL Courses
Current and Upcoming COIL Courses
Each academic year, UW Bothell courses in various disciplines offer the opportunity for students to connect with peers in a different part of the world through virtual exchange.
Spring 2025
- B WRIT 135 A: Research Writing, taught by Liz Janssen (IAS) – Students will develop individual research projects on the topic of global education in partnership with peers at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in Tijuana, Mexico.
Autumn 2024
- B CORE 104 U/110 J: Natural History of Urban Birds & Wildlife, taught by Ursula Valdez (IAS) – The goal of this course is to create informational posters about birds (and other species) to be posted in city parks. UW Bothell students research specific animals and collaborate with graphic design students at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in Perú to design the posters. Learn more about the Natural History of Birds & Wildlife course.
- B CORE 107: Humanity 2050, taught by Rob Turner (IAS) – This course will investigate current trends and imagine the future of civilization in partnership with geosciences students from the University of Novi Sad in Serbia. Learn more about Humanity 2050.
- B WRIT 135 G: Research Writing, taught by Silvia Ferreira (IAS) – Students will develop individual research projects on the topic of global education in partnership with peers at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in Tijuana, Mexico.
- B EDUC 441/541: Second Language Acquisition, Bilingual Education, and the Structure of English – In this Educational Studies course students will explore course topics with future teachers at Tianjin Normal University in China.
Spring 2024
- BNURS 423: Ethical and Quality Nursing Care, taught by Ko Niitsu (NHS), in partnership with Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Autumn 2023
- BCORE 104 I/ BCORE 107 F: Mental Health & Student Life- Integrating Well Being & Academics, team taught by Maureen “Mo” West and Sunita Iyer (NHS) – Along with peers at the University of Minho Medical School in Portugal, students will read a common text and engage in weekly “book club” discussions to reflect on strategies for well-being and success in their adjustment to college life.
- BCORE 104 O/ BCORE 110 J: Natural History of Urban Birds, taught by Ursula Valdez (IAS) – The goal of this course is to create informational posters about birds to be posted in city parks. UW Bothell students research characteristics of specific bird species and collaborate with graphic design students at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in Perú to design the posters.
- BIS 224: Introduction to Feminism, taught by Alka Kurian (IAS) – Students will learn about feminist thought and activism in different parts of the world alongside students from University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah in Morocco.
- BIS 300 B/C: Interdisciplinary Inquiry, team taught by David Goldstein and Kristin Gustafson (IAS) – Students will have conversations with peers from Ehime University and Meiji University in Japan about a variety of Japanese and U.S. contemporary issues.
- BIS 352: Mapping Communities, taught by Jin-Kyu Jung (IAS) – Working with local and global community partners, including students and faculty at the Department of Geography Education at Catholic Kwandong University, South Korea, students will develop a cross-cultural understanding of the possibilities and challenges of community mapping in the U.S. and Korea.
- BBIO 394: Introduction to Neuropharmacology, taught by Salwa Al-Noori (STEM), in partnership with Hashemite University, Jordan.
Previous COIL Courses
Starting in 2014, the following UW Bothell courses have implemented Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) modules, linking UWB students with a group of learners in a different part of the world.
Spring 2023
- BES 440: Remote Sensing of the Environment, taught by Santiago Lopez (Environmental Studies, IAS) – partnered with Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS), Quito-Ecuador
- BEDUC 444: Leadership, Advocacy, and Program Assessment in ESOL, taught by Yue Bian (Educational Studies, EDU) – partnered with Tianjin Normal University, China
Winter 2023
- BHS 305: Intro to Healthcare Policy & Systems, taught by Andrea Stone (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with South East Technological University (SETU), Ireland
Autumn 2022
- B CORE 104 S and B CORE 110 F: All Things… Crows, taught by Ursula Valdez (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru
- BIS 300 C: Interdisciplinary Inquiry, taught by David Goldstein (Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, IAS) – partnered with Ehime University, Japan
Summer 2022
- BIS 490: Smart City Seattle, taught by Jin-Kyu Jung (Environmental Studies, IAS) – partnered with Pusan National University (PNU), Korea
Spring 2022
- BHLTH 403: Introduction to Epidemiology, taught by Chiyoung Lee (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Gyeongsang National University, South Korea
- BIS 352: Mapping Communities, taught by Jin-Kyu Jung (Environmental Studies, IAS) – partnered with Catholic Kwandong University, Korea
- BME 493: Sustainable Energy in Japan, taught by Steve Collins (Mechanical Engineering, STEM) – partnered with Ehime University, Japan
Winter 2022
- BHLTH 301: Fundamentals of Behavioral Health, taught by Hoa Appel (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with University of Leon, Spain
- BCORE 115 E/ 116 A: Water in the West, taught by Avery Shinneman (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with American Center for Mongolian Studies, Mongolia
- BHLTH 497: Resilience and Mental Health, taught by Ko Niitsu (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Autumn 2021
- B BIO 293: History and Philosophy of Science, taught by Salwa Al-Noori (Biology, STEM) – partnered with University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq
- B CORE 104: All Things… Crows, taught by Ursula Valdez (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru
- BCULST/ BPOLST 593: Urban Planning & Geography, taught by Jin-Kyu Jung (Cultural Studies/ Policy Studies, IAS) – partnered with Pusan National University (PNU), Korea
Spring 2021
- CSS 538: Wireless Security, taught by Geetha Thamilarasu (Cybersecurity, STEM) – partnered with Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- BHLTH 497: Resilience and Mental Health, taught by Ko Niitsu (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Winter 2021
- BIS 300: Interdisciplinary Inquiry, taught by David Goldstein (Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, IAS) – partnered with Ehime University, Japan
- BBIO 394: Intro to Neuropharmacology, taught by Salwa Al-Noori (Biology, STEM) – partnered with University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq
- BHLTH 497: Resilience and Mental Health, taught by Ko Niitsu (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Autumn 2020
- BISIA 311A: Creative Writing: Prose, Breathing in the Time of Disaster, taught by Ching-In Chen (Interdisciplinary Arts, IAS) – partnered with Tianjin Normal University, China
Summer 2020
- BIS 490: Smart City Seattle, taught by Jin-Kyu Jung (Environmental Studies, IAS) – partnered with Pusan National University (PNU), Korea
Spring 2020
- B CORE 118/120: Women’s Empowerment: A Critical Media Justice Approach, taught by Maureen West (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Tianjin Normal University, China
- BHLTH 497: Resilience and Mental Health, taught by Ko Niitsu (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Winter 2020
- BHS 305: Introduction to Healthcare Policy and System, taught by Andrea Stone (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
- B HLTH 420: Women’s Global Health and Human Rights, taught by Jody Early (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Autumn 2019
- BCULST 592: Alternate Economies, taught by S. Charusheela (Cultural Studies, IAS) – partnered with Ambedkar University Delhi, India
- BHLTH 435: Principles of Health Education and Communication, taught by Jody Early (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Summer 2019
- BIS 204: Introduction to Journalism, taught by Min Tang (Media and Communication Studies, IAS) – partnered with MediaAid Foundation, Liberia
Winter 2019
- BHLTH 223: Feminist Health, taught by Meghan Eagen-Torkko (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Autumn 2018
- BHLTH 223: Feminist Health, taught by Meghan Eagen-Torkko (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Winter 2018
- B CORE 115/ BIS 243: Environmental Issues: Great Rivers of the World, taught by Greg Tuke and Ursula Valdez (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Future University Cairo, Egypt; National Agrarian University La Molina, Peru
Spring 2017
- BISIA 383: Global Agitation – Arts & Activism, taught by Anida Ali (Interdisciplinary Arts, IAS) – partnered with Abu Dhabi
- BNURS 497: Comparing Professional Nursing Practice Between the Philippines and the USA, taught by Butch De Castro (Nursing, NHS) – partnered with University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
- BISIA 283: Interdisciplinary Arts Techniques: Moving Chemistry, taught by Diana Garcia-Snyder (Interdisciplinary Arts, IAS) – partnered with University of Colima, Mexico
- BCORE 118B: Democratization and Civic Engagement: Using Social Media for International Collaboration, taught by Tasha Buttler (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Universidad de la Habana, Cuba
- BCORE 118G: The Great Debates Around the World, taught by Greg Tuke (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Future University Cairo, Egypt
Winter 2017
- BIS 379A: Traveling Cultures: Cultural Work and the Politics of Location, taught by Jed Murr (Cultural Studies, IAS) – partnered with Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
- BIS 441: Global Labor Markets, taught by Dan Jacoby (Law, Economics and Public Policy, IAS) – partnered with Universidad de Celaya, Mexico
- BCORE 115 F: Skill Development for Today’s Business World, taught by Greg Tuke (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Philippines
- BCORE 117 F/K: Social Movements through an International Lens, taught by Greg Tuke (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Lai Chau University, Vietnam
- BHLTH 420: Women’s Global Health and Human Rights, taught by Jody Early (Health Studies, NHS) – partnered with Al Quds University, West Bank
Autumn 2016
- BCULST 593A: Alternate Economies – Cultural Studies and Postcapitalist Futures, taught by S. Charusheela (Cultural Studies, IAS) – partnered with Ambedkar University Delhi, India
Spring 2016
- BCUSP 188: Topics of Asia: Chinese Cultures, taught by Wei Gao (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Tianjin Normal University, China
Autumn 2015
- BCORE 104: Taking it Global: Skill Development for Business, Communications, and Humanities, taught by Tasha Buttler (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Central University of Tibetan Studies, India
- BIS 341: Japanese and US Popular Culture, taught by David Goldstein (Cultural Studies, IAS) – partnered with Meiji University, Japan
- BCUSP 186: Comic Books and Graphic Novels, taught by Michael Dean (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with American University in Beirut, Lebanon
Spring 2015
- BIS 490: From the Cascades to the Andes: Environmental Issues in Perú and the Pacific Northwest, taught by Ursula Valdez (Environmental Studies, IAS) – partnered with Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Perú
- BCORE 118: Encounters with the Stranger, taught by Greg Tuke (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Central University of Tibetan Studies, India
Winter 2015
- BCORE 115: Creating Social Change Using an International Lens, taught by Greg Tuke (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Central University of Tibetan Studies, India
Autumn 2014
- BCUSP 131: Social Media and Global Change, taught by Greg Tuke (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Central University of Tibetan Studies, India
Winter 2014
- BCUSP 131: Social Media and Global Change, taught by Greg Tuke (Pre-major program, FYPP) – partnered with Central University of Tibetan Studies, India