Share your work

Many students share and pubish their work before they even graduate! We recommend starting with journals or publications dedicated to undergraduates. Looking a little broader, many local organizations and non-profits would love to publish your work in their print journals. Some students even author in peer-reviewed literature because of the research contributions they made working with their faculty mentors!

If you’ve been published in a journal, please let us know! Email us the article information and we’ll be sure to feature it:

Publish your work


2024 CROW cover

The CROW accepts a variety of submission types including research editorials, research papers, abstracts, works in progress, and literature reviews. Submissions can be a culmination of any research conducted during a student’s time at the UW Bothell. The CROW accepts papers from both undergraduate and graduate students from all schools and programs at UW Bothell.


CLAMOR Facebook profile picture

Clamor is a venue for public expression and creative practice, as the name implies. In light of current events, Clamor has decided to showcase works that reflect opinions and identities representing the concerns of our community. As a student-led publication, the decision was not made solely based on the content of these works, but on their engagement with their materials.


Fieldnotes Logo

A student-ran undergraduate journal from the College of the Environment at UW Seattle. Fieldnotes is focused on highlighting undergraduate research and raising awareness of environmental issues around the Puget Sound area. This journal is produced quarterly with each issue focusing on a different aspect of the environment. Fieldnotes also has a phenomenal blog to check out!

Present your work

Conferences, symposia, events, and research fairs are a great opportunity for undergraduates to present what they have learned through their research experiences to a larger audience. It is also a space for students, faculty, and the community to discuss cutting edge research and network! 

Presentations are not limited to scientific research and is open to all disciplines. If your focus is in art, music, or dance – find a way to show your creative works!

UW Undergraduate Annual Research Symposium

UW Bothell students have the chance to present their research at the annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium as oral presentations, visual arts & design displays, or as research posters. The symposium takes place every spring, and submission deadlines are in February. Register online or learn more about the symposium.

UW Bothell Student Academic Showcase

The annual Student Academic Showcase is a comprehensive event featuring students’ research and capstone projects across all academic disciplines. It provides a platform for students to showcase their academic achievements and raise awareness on diverse topics ranging from environmental studies to education improvements. Student submissions range from short films, student-led talks and exhibitions, artwork displays, oral presentations, and posters. Submission deadline is in Winter (usually early March). Learn more about the Showcase.

Archive your work

Husky Cache: Student Research Repository

Graphic which reads Husky Cache Student Projects Repository with an image of student on UW Bothell campus

A hub where research and creative works enhancing the student journey can be collected and shared. Our goal is to foster a community of student researchers and promote the dissemination of knowledge. On the Husky Cache, you can find past projects from the UW Bothell student community. We invite you to share your own research projects and inspire others. 

Resources for your work

Poster Printing

Showcase your research with a nicely printed posted. Typically, UW Options are usually the most cost-effective options for large-format posters:

Submit your printing request two weeks in advance to guarantee your poster is ready on the day of the symposium. You can also ask for a proof of your poster prior to printing the full-size version.

Local businesses for printing include FedEx, or Staples, or UPS Stores. These businesses usually provide large format printing.