Research and Creative Projects for Undergrads

The Research & Creative Projects Office helps undergraduate students find opportunities to apply what they learn in classrooms to dive deeper into a field of their interest. Doing research or having hands-on experience in creative projects boosts students’ chances for employment or enhances their placement into a robust program in a professional or graduate school. All students are encouraged to participate in this high-impact practice.

Upcoming Events

Explore research

UW Bothell has been nationally recognized for its exceptional commitment to community engagement and research. Explore the creative, systematic process of asking new questions and the generating new knowledge.

Students volunteering with UW Bothell community engaged learning course

Research in your field

Across all career paths, people rely on research to make smarter decisions and develop innovative products, policies, techniques, and much more. Explore frequently asked questions about research.

Explore frequently asked questions about research

5 steps to get started

Find research opportunities, classes, and programs aligned with your interests. Learn how to identify and reach out to prospective mentors. Receive support with applying to programs and funding your research experience.  

Start your research
UW Bothell Student activity at Kenmore High school

Students, staff and volunteer coordinators at local UW Bothell community engaged learning partner

Share your work

Publish your research or creative project in journals, library databases, and more. Present at local conferences. Learn how to discuss your work in job materials, interviews, and more.  

Share your work

Connect with us

Schedule an advising appointment. Request a customized workshop or presentation for your class, club, or program. Subscribe to our newsletter.  

Expand your network
Students volunteering with a community engaged learning course at UW Bothell

Find Research on the Connected Huskies Database

Find high-impact and experiential learning opportunities curated for UW Bothell students. This directory is growing and includes opportunities for research, merit awards and scholarships, creative projects, study abroad, and more. Use the filters in the sidebar to narrow down your search.

Connected Huskies Student Newsletter

Stay up-to-date with upcoming events, deadlines, and opportunities by signing up for Connected Learning’s monthly newsletter. This email includes student events, student success stories, upcoming program deadlines, and more. When you sign up, you can also select optional specific interests you may have like researchSubscribe to student newsletter

Husky Cache: Student Research Repository

Graphic which reads Husky Cache Student Projects Repository with an image of student on UW Bothell campus

A hub where research and creative works enhancing the student journey can be collected and shared. Our goal is to foster a community of student researchers and promote the dissemination of knowledge. On the Husky Cache, you can find past projects from the UW Bothell student community. We invite you to share your own research projects and inspire others.