STEM Undergraduate Capstone & Symposium

Electrical engineering students demonstrate their capstone projects at a poster session

The STEM Undergraduate Capstone & Symposium is a vibrant culmination of the STEM undergraduate journey at UW Bothell. This quarterly event celebrates the hard work and creativity of our students across various STEM disciplines.

Students can present their projects in several different ways:

  • Oral Presentations: Detailed discussions led by students, shedding light on their methodologies, results, and implications.
  • Poster Sessions: Visual displays summarizing students’ research and project findings, where they talk to event attendees in one-and-one conversation.
  • Project Demonstrations: Some programs hold live showcases where students bring their projects to life through models, software demos, or physical prototypes.
Two students intently discuss the content of a research poster

Event schedule

The event is always held on Friday of finals week – the last day of the quarter. Visit our Maps & Directions and Accessibility pages for information on how to get to and around campus.

Dates are subject to change in the event of inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances.

Previous event pages


Contact capstone coordinator Janet McDaniel for questions about the event and to sign up for your presentation:

Types of project

Projects are often the result of undergraduate research, portfolios, capstone courses, internships, or work with community partners outside the university. Visit the links below for specific details about what the projects are like or how to sign up:

2019 CSSE students celebrate the completion of their capstone project presentations