Frequently Asked Questions

Approximately 64% of graduate certificate alumni are in engineering roles, and have position titles such as electrical engineers, systems engineers and aerospace or avionics engineers.

Alumni have also gone on to continue their education, including close to 49% of graduates who continue into the Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering (MSECE) at UW Bothell. Beyond the master’s degree at Bothell, students continue their studies into doctoral programs. Read more about alumni student experiences by visiting our alumni stories.

No. The GCECEF is 18 credits of coursework derived from content in the core courses of a BSEE. The graduate certificate is intended as a pathway for students wanting to pursue an MSECE that do not have a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. The graduate certificate also serves those in industry that need electrical engineering knowledge and skills for their current or future employment.

Students are best prepared for the rigorous content of the graduate certificate courses when they have a background in science, engineering, mathematics, or a closely related field. However, if an applicant completes all of the required prerequisites exceptions can be made on a case by case basis. View details about prerequisites.

No, if you are needing to graduate from an ABET accredited program for specific work purposes check out the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE). The material that you will learn in the graduate certificate is pulled directly from the ABET accredited BSEE program.

No, the graduate certificate is a cohort program that enrolls for autumn quarter only. The application deadline is July 1.

Yes. In order to earn the Graduate Certificate in Electrical & Computer Engineering Foundations, you need to complete ALL six courses with a 2.7 GPA or higher in each course and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Yes. You will need to enroll as an undergraduate non-matriculated student at UW Bothell. Keep in mind that courses may fill quickly, and non-matriculated students are the last to enroll. You can also take equivalent courses at local community colleges to full-fill the prerequisites. View program course equivalencies.

Yes, but you need to be familiar with the concepts taught in that course. Remember, the grade in your prerequisite courses will be reviewed as part of your holistic application review.

No, apply once you are registered for your final prerequisite(s)! If you are enrolled in the prerequisite course(s) for summer, please submit all of your application materials by the deadline. You will need to include a transcript or registration receipt that shows the summer quarter classes you are currently registered for.

Applicants enrolled in their final prerequisite(s) in summer have their application put on a hold status by our office until summer quarter grades are submitted (typically at the end of August). Applicants will receive instructions from our office on how to submit those final grades. Admission review for applicants on hold status will be made after all final grades have been submitted.

For very few, this may be possible. You need to be very comfortable with the material covered in all of the prerequisites to be a successful graduate student in the program. If you would like us to review if your work experience is equivalent to the required prerequisites email our office a copy of your transcript and resume.

The GCECEF is an innovative and intense series of six courses that is intended to teach the core concepts derived from a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in just nine months. Students are expected to learn challenging material at an accelerated rate. Previous students have reported spending as little as 5 hours and as much as 22 hours studying outside of class per week. Students will have weekly homework and/or lab work outside of class. For those working full time, adjusting to taking classes part time is a different process for everyone. For some, it’s similar to taking on another part-time job, and for others it is exactly the type of challenge and change of environment they need.

Although you must apply to the MSECE, students who successfully complete the GCECEF coursework with a strong academic record have a clear path to admission to the MSECE. The master’s program has a competitive admission review and each candidate will receive a holistic review of their application materials.

The GCECEF does not meet the minimum enrollment requirements for students studying in the United States on an F-1 visa.

Tuition is charged on a cost-per-credit basis and structured the same way as our MSECE courses. View details on current tuition and fees.