
Created in 2013, The School of STEM was charged with pulling together all the current and future science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors under a single primary academic unit.

The School is comprised of 4 divisions:

Biological Sciences

The Division of Biological Sciences provides students with a foundation that will enable them to pursue careers or graduate study in medicine, dentistry, health professions, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, ecology, biology, and biology education.

Computing & Software Systems

The Division of Computing & Software Systems offers software engineering oriented computer science degrees that emphasize how to think about, design, and create quality software-enabled systems that have real impact in organizations and the world.

Engineering & Mathematics

The Division of Engineering & Mathematics prepares students by developing strong skills in the fundamental mathematical and scientific principles enabling them to either seek employment in industry or go on to graduate study.

Physical Sciences

The Division of Physical Sciences offers students the opportunity to understand how the natural world works and to use their knowledge and skills to build a rewarding future.