Matthew Gliboff, Associate Teaching Professor

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Location: UW2-341
Phone: 425-352-5279


Dr. Gliboff has been teaching at UWB and local community colleges since 2013. His teaching has included courses for physics majors, science majors and non-technical majors. His primary teaching goals are to help students build teamwork and technical communication and problem-solving skills, and to encourage students to become life-long learners. Other interests include sustainability, feats of mechanical engineering and running long distances.

Teaching Interests

  • BPHYS 121, 122 & 123 labs and lectures–Mechanics, Electromagnetism and Oscillatory Motion, and Waves
  • BPHYS 221–Classical Mechanics
  • BPHYS 321, 322 & 323–Electricity and Magnetism I, II & III
  • BPHYS 484–Physics, Society and Industry


University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Ph.D. Physics, 2013

Cooper Union, New York City, New York
B.S. Engineering, 2009