Use of Facilities for Publicity (Posting Policy)
Administrative Policy
REV 08/2024
UW Bothell is committed to a safe and well-maintained campus environment, and to the free expression of ideas. In order to balance both interests, a policy on the use of facilities for publicity and communication is appropriate. The posting, distributing, or disseminating of materials (e.g. flyers, posters, table tents, banners, handbills) that advertise, publicize, or otherwise provide notice of classes, activities, events, or information consistent with and supportive of the teaching, research, and public service mission of the university are subject to the guidelines and posting areas below.
- Materials shall indicate the name and contact telephone number of the department, individual or organization.
- Materials shall comply with University of Washington conduct codes.
- All printed materials written in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation.
- Flyers and posters shall not exceed the size of the background to which they are affixed.
- Two posters, four flyers, or four table tents are allowed per building floor.
- Affix flyers to bulletin boards using push pins or to concrete columns using blue painter’s tape. The tape must be rolled on the back and should not be visible from the front.
- Flyer or poster authors shall monitor and remove materials when the information becomes outdated.
- Publicity that is not approved, does not meet the criteria above, or interferes with campus safety will be removed.
1. Bulletin Boards
- Departmental bulletin boards, typically located outside administrative or academic department offices, are maintained by the respective departments. Posting is restricted and permission must be obtained from the department.
- Non-departmental bulletin boards are available throughout the campus buildings. Postings on these boards should comply with the guidelines indicated above.
2. Student Project Display Rails
- Student Project Display Rails are located in south hallways of UW1 and between the restrooms in Husky Hall. The primary purpose of these rails is for the display of student academic projects.
- Faculty may use the display rails that are located in UW1. Student project display is limited to three continuous weeks per class.
- University materials may be affixed to display rails when they are not in use for student projects.
3. Banners
- Large banners intended for high-profile locations including garages, walking bridges, the Commons and North Creek Events Center must be approved prior to design, printing and installation.
- Start the approval process by completing a job request through the Office of Advancement for approval of the content, duration, location, and size of the banner. Content approval will be based upon two primary considerations:
- The subject matter is relevant to a campus-wide audience (e.g. commencement, welcome students, career week) and
- UW and UW Bothell branding guidelines are being adhered to.
- Following approval from the Office of Advancement submit a job request through Facilities Services for banner installation and removal.
- All expenses associated with banner design production, installation, and storage will be billed to the requesting department’s budget.
- Black-out periods may be implemented to accommodate campus-wide priorities such as commencement and career week.
Current blackout periods:
- Career Fair – second or third week of fall quarter and the fourth week of spring quarter.
- Commencement – May 1 to June 15
- Welcome New Students – September 22 to October 20
4. Handbill Distribution
- Solicitation or distribution of handbills, pamphlets, and similar materials by anyone, whether a member of the university community or of the general public, is permitted on the campus promenade between the South Garage and UW1 building or in the UW2 Commons lobby.
- No individual or group may leave flyers, announcements, or printed literature of any kind unattended on campus grounds or inside any campus buildings except designated literature racks for publications.
- To ensure proper coordination and safety, requests by the general public or outside organizations to distribute handbills are coordinated by Events & Conference Services.
5. A-Frame/Sandwich Boards and Easels
- Sandwich boards and easels shall be used only to advertise or publicize university business, activities and events.
- Sandwich boards may be no longer than 4 feet by 3 feet.
- One sandwich board or easel is allowed in building lobbies. Two sandwich boards or easels per group/event are allowed on the campus promenade.
- Sandwich boards with the following conditions will be subject to removal. Each sandwich board removed will be returned to the owner and charges for removal will be incurred.
- Outdated Boards – Sandwich boards with posters that are two days after the advertised event or posters with obsolete information.
- Blank Boards – Blank sandwich boards that have no attached posters/flyers.
- Blocking Accessibility – Sandwich boards that block the ADA button, accessible pathways, pedestrian walkways, from the center of the promenade, and hallways, stairwells, elevators, and restrooms.
6. Lawn Signage
- Posting is allowed on campus lawns in natural growth areas to advertise campus events. Pre-approval from Events & Conference Services is required.
- The patron must remove lawn signs after the event; otherwise, charges will apply for non-removal.
7. Sidewalk Chalk
- Outdoor chalking is allowed on campus concrete or asphalt walkways to advertise campus events. Pre-approval from Facilities Services is required.
- Chalk must be non-staining and water soluble. (Non-oil-based chalks)
- For environmental health and safety reasons, the event patron is not allowed to clean up or direct the clean-up of the chalk by others. The event patron may be asked to cover costs associated with pressure washing to clear the chalk post-event.
8. Projected Images
- The projection of images onto the interior or exterior surfaces of university buildings is not permitted except with pre-approval from the UUF Committee for marketing campus-wide events or special occasions.
- The Outdoor Plaza and Sports Field are approved locations for large projections on screens. Pre-approval from the UUF Committee is required, and the event patron must adhere to the noise and sound amplification guidelines when projecting (e.g. movie, presentation).
9. Restricted Areas
- Placement of signage is prohibited from interfering with access to automatic door openers. See APPENDIX A for restricted areas.
- Posting is prohibited in classrooms, restrooms, elevators, and on or near permanent or fixed signage.
- Materials may not be place on or against, attached to, or written on any structure or natural feature of the campus such as, but not limited to, doors, exterior facades of buildings, glass, painted surfaces, surfaces of walkways or roads, outdoor sign or lamp posts, waste receptacles, trees, landscape or stakes.
10. Exceptions
- Requests for permanent or temporary exceptions to any of these guidelines may be addressed to the Vice Chancellor of Planning and Administration.
Posting requests for UWB/CC Campus Library building (LB1 and LB2) should be directed to the Circulation Desk at 425-352-5340 or to Library Administration at 425-352-5258 and emailed to
Posting requests for Cascadia College building (CC) and North Garage visit their website at
Questions regarding UW Bothell Administrative Policies should be directed to
Planning and Administration
Phone: 425-352-3255
The following campus map identifies restricted barrier-free zones. Sandwich boards, easels, and/or signage cannot interfere with automatic doors, door opener poles, and door opener wall panels.