Event Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

To ensure safety of students, faculty, staff, and guests, as well as to promote proper use of UW Bothell spaces and facilities, policies, procedures, and guidelines were set for events and meetings hosted on campus. All space reservations for North Creek Events Center (NCEC), UW1, UW2, DISC Hall, Husky Hall, Innovation Hall, and Outdoor Spaces (except the Sport Fields) are held to these policies, procedures, and guidelines and are subject to enforcement.

For information on the ARC, please visit this webpage.


Alcohol policy

Per the WAC 478-136-041, events at which alcohol is to be possessed, sold, served, or consumed must be approved by the appropriate committee chair for the committee on the use of university facilities and an application to the chair must be accompanied by a request for written authorization.


Animals and pets inside University facilities and on University property are subject to WAC 478-128-030. Per this policy, animals at events, with the exception of “service animals” and “service animals in-training,” are not permitted inside University facilities. Thus, events wishing to include animals must be hosted outdoors.

Commercial activities

Per WAC 478-136-030 (4): University facilities may not be used for private or commercial purposes such as sales, advertising, or promotional activities unless such activities serve an educational purpose, as determined by the appropriate chair of the committee on the use of university facilities

North Creek Events Center policies

Rule of Thumb: Facilities needs three hours between events in NCEC to reset the space for a new event.

  • Only blue painter’s tape can be used to attach items to surfaces or fixtures. NO WINDOW ATTACHMENTS.
  • No items can be attached to curtains or blinds. The use of thumbtacks and push pins are PROHIBITED.
  • The use of ladders is PROHIBITED. Only Facilities Operations Staff may do so.
  • Contact Events and Conference Services for day-of space changes and any temperature adjustment needs. Additional charges may apply.
  • All events utilizing A/V equipment in NCEC must fill out the UW Bothell IT Event Service Request form.
  • Events and Conference Services is not responsible for items that are left in the North Creek Events Center after your event is completed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Event requests for the NCEC should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the event date. Requests submitted with less than two weeks’ notice will require approval from the Office of Events and Conference Services

Posting policy

UW Bothell is committed to freedom of expression and a safe and well-maintained campus environment. To balance both interests, a policy on the use of facilities for publicity and communication is appropriate. The posting, distributing, or disseminating of materials (e.g. flyers, posters, table tents, banners, handbills) that advertise, publicize, or otherwise provide notice of classes, activities, events, or information consistent with and supportive of the teaching, research, and core mission of the university are subject to the guidelines and posting areas found in the Use of Facilities for Publicity (Posting Policy).

Restricted areas

  • Placement of signage is prohibited from interfering with access to automatic door openers.  See APPENDIX A for restricted areas.
  • Posting is prohibited in classrooms, restrooms, elevators, and on or near permanent or fixed signage. 
  • Materials may not be placed on or against, attached to, or written on any structure or natural feature of the campus such as, but not limited to, doors, exterior facades of buildings, glass, painted surfaces, surfaces of walkways or roads, outdoor sign or lamp posts, waste receptacles, trees, landscape or stakes.

Additional information

Posting requests for the UWB/CC Campus Library building (LB1 and LB2) should be directed to the Circulation Desk at 425-352-5340 or to Library Administration at 425-352-5258 and emailed to uwblibad@uw.edu.

Posting requests for Cascadia College building (CC) and North Garage visit their website at https://www.cascadia.edu/about/governance-accreditation/policies.aspx.

Questions regarding UW Bothell Administrative Policies should be directed to thgrant@uw.edu or 425-352-5404.

Use of University Facilities (UUF)

The University of Washington Bothell (UWB) is an educational institution provided and maintained by the people of Washington in order to carry out its broad mission of teaching, research and public service. The purpose of the Use of University Facilities (UUF) policy is to ensure that all facilities operated by the university are reserved primarily for educational use including, but not limited to, instruction, research, public assembly, student activities and recreational activities related to educational use. Further, each facility may be used for a variety of activities, so long as the primary function the facility was intended to serve is protected. Reasonable time, place and manner restrictions may be placed on the use of university facilities.

When UUF approval is required:

  • non-UWB group or individual intends to hold a function at a UWB facility.
  • private or commercial organization wishes to sponsor or be involved with an activity at a UWB facility.
  • A university community member intends to hold a function at a UWB facility that is open to the general public or invited off-campus guests.
  • University of Washington Bothell community member (current student, staff, or faculty) intends to hold a function (independent of any student group, department or administrative unit) at a UWB facility.
  • An organization would like to hold a partisan political activity at a UWB facility.
  • Outdoor events with amplification.
  • university community member intends to use the airspace over the campus for airborne vehicles such as fixed wing drones, rotary drones, and model aircraft.

For more information about the Use of University Facilities, please visit this webpage about UUF.

Youth on campus

Administrative Policy Statement 10.13 Requirements for University and Third Party Led Youth Programs protects the well-being of youth (i.e., individuals under age 18) involved in UW Bothell programs, activities, events, and research, and safeguards them against harm. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect youth from harm. Those who have interactions with youth as part of their UW Bothell duties must follow the specific requirements specified on the Office of Youth Protection Coordinator’s website.

Please refer to our UW Bothell Campus Policy about Children on Campus.

If your program involves youth or minors (under the age of 18), please register your program through the UW Youth Program Registration System (YPRS).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator at (206) 616-5706 and their email is at uwminors@uw.edu.


Audio/visual equipment

Please use the event services request form to request services in the North Creek Events Center (NCEC) or other campus event locations. Please submit this at least 10 business days prior to the event date.

Please use the classroom and meeting room services request form if you need equipment deployed to a classroom or meeting room on campus.

All third-party audiovisual equipment brought to a UW Bothell classroom or event space must be approved by our office and operated independently. We do not permit third-party equipment to be combined or used in conjunction with audiovisual equipment provided in the spaces. Any specific power requirements should be communicated to our office at least three (3) weeks in advance.

For more information, please visit UW Bothell IT’s website and contact them at uwbit@uw.edu or 425-352-3456.


Large banners intended for high-profile locations including garages, walking bridges, the Commons and North Creek Events Center must be approved prior to design, printing, and installation.

Start the approval process by completing a job request through the Office of Advancement for approval of the content, duration, location, and size of the banner.

For more information about the posting policy, please visit the Use of Facilities for Publicity (Posting Policy) page.

Blood drives

Blood Drives are permitted on the UW Bothell campus. If you are planning to bring a Blood Mobile on campus, we need to schedule space with Commuter Services at uwbpark@uw.edu.

Campus Safety

If your event meets one of the following criteria, you may be required to schedule a security officer for your event:

  • Large Occupancy numbers
  • Outside building hours
  • Serving alcohol
  • Cash changing hands
  • Controversial/political in nature

Emergency Number: 911 | Non-Emergency Number: 425-352-5359

Cancelled events

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, inclement weather, school closures, or venue issues, scheduled events may be cancelled. Event patrons will be notified promptly. Efforts will be made to reschedule and find appropriate solutions at no additional charge.

However, events that are cancelled may be subject to a cancellation fee:

  • Events cancelled more than 4-weeks out: $50 fee
  • Events cancelled less than 2-weeks out: 50% of estimated event costs or $50 fee (whichever is greater)
  • Events cancelled led than 48-hours out: 100% of estimated event costs or $50 fee (whichever is greater)

If you cancel your event within 24 hours of the actual event date, you may be charged a campus setup fee if the setup was already completed.

City of Bothell permit

Apply for fire permits, special event permits, right-of-way permits, and more through  www.MyBuildingPermit.com.

Permits take 60+ days to process and approve. Application can be found here.

For assistance with applying for a City of Bothell permit, contact UW Bothell Events and Conference Services. Additional charges may apply.

Classroom scheduling

When requesting academic spaces, please note the following:

  • All reservations assigned in academic spaces may be subject to change due to academic needs. This may include reassignment or cancellation.
  • You will receive separate email confirmation of your room reservation once your space request has been processed. These spaces are not self-reserve.
  • To get the best service from support departments, please submit your request at least 2 weeks ahead of your event date. Office of the Registrar reserves the right to cancel a space reservation if not submitted two weeks in advance.
  • To allow time for a group or class to wrap up and conclude, there is a 15-minute allotted time gap in between classes. 25Live requests may be adjusted by the UW Bothell Events and Conference Services to reflect this policy. If additional time is needed for an event request, please include that in the setup and/or takedown portion on the 25Live request.

Commuter Services

Commuter Services helps with event parking needs. Guests can pay for parking themselves. If a department or entity is going to pay for parking, they can create a unique parking code for your event that can be given to attending guests. Code usage and distribution is strictly the responsibility of the budget owner and the requester. Visit the Commuter Services webpage to find out how to request an Event Parking Code.

If you need parking permits, directions, or transportation services for your event, please contact Commuter Services directly uwbpark@uw.edu.

Prior authorization must be obtained for all material shown or distributed which is not owned by you or your organization. Proof of authorization to show or distribute such material is required three (3) weeks prior to the event. Our office assumes no responsibility for material shown or distributed without proper authorization.

For more information about copyright law, please visit this webpage about copyright law.


Event details MUST be submitted at least ten (10) business days prior to event date. Failure to do so may result in event cancellation or addition of a short notice/change request fee. Event details include, but are not limited to:

  • Timeline
  • Space setup/layout
  • Audio/Visual needs
  • Catering
  • Guest count

Important Deadlines:

Action ItemsLead Time
City of Bothell Permits*60 Days
Rental of Tents*60 Days
Bothell Dining Exception Process*6 Weeks
UUF Sponsorship3 Weeks
ARC Event Form*3 Weeks
25Live Reservation Request2 Weeks
Notification of Impact 2 Weeks
Transportation & Parking Plans2 Weeks
Alcohol Permit*2 Weeks
Aramark Catering Placement2 Weeks
Diagram Draft & Completed2 Weeks
Food Approval Form (Budget Approval)10 Days (prior to TFP)
Temporary Food Service Permit (EH&S) – TFP*2 Weeks
IT Events Service Request Form2 Weeks
Event Equipment (UWB Campus Events)*5 Days
*if applicable to the event/meeting

Donation bins

Donation bins must abide by the following guidelines:

  • Donation bin drives are limited to 1-month in length per drive.
  • Each designated location for donation bin placement may host a maximum of two active donation drives at any given time.

Donation bins used to collect donations must:

  • Not obstruct access or moving paths in hallways, doors, and spaces on campus.
  • Be made from a durable material that can withstand the items it is meant to hold without breaking. If collecting food or liquids, the bin should be constructed so that it does not leak.
  • Be clearly labeled with the RSO’s name/UWB Department, what is being collected, and the beneficiary of the collection.
  • Be emptied often to ensure the bins do not overflow. Overflowing bins may be addressed by University staff.
  • Be placed in the pre-approved donation bin locations (see below) only.

Donation bin locations must be scheduled via 25Live.

  • The approved locations are:
    • Founders Hall (UW1) – 1st floor Lobby
    • Commons Hall (UW2) – Southeast corner of Commons Area
    • Discovery Hall – Lower-Level Lobby
  • Please include the below information on your 25Live request:
    • UWB RSO’s Name/UWB Department
    • What is the mission? 
    • Donation items requested 
    • Donation Drive Dates
  • For Donation bins in the ARC please contact Activities & Recreation Center Events at arcevent@uw.edu.

Evacuation plan

In the case of an emergency, please review the UW Bothell Evacuation Map – page 4 of the Campus Map – and know where to go if you need to evacuate a building for a drill or emergency.

Event rental equipment

UWB Event Equipment can be requested to use at UWB events. Visit this webpage for information on our event equipment inventory. Please contact UW Bothell Events and Conference Services for further questions and pricing.

Facilities (electrical, water connections, etc.)

All UW Bothell Facilities needs for an event (including electrical and water access, staking into grass, inflatables on campus, etc.) should be requested through UW Bothell Events and Conference Services. Specific facilities use is processed on a case-by-case basis, and it should be arranged in a timely manner to allow for appropriate coordination with UWB Facilities.

Facilities use, such as hanging decorations or banners on tents/canopies or power washing concrete, can ONLY be done by authorized Facilities staff. Events and Conference Services will review requests and work one-on-one with the event patron to determine if they can be accommodated.

Last-minute requests

For last-minute requests, a rush fee or change fee may apply. Please see the list of additional service fees here.

For on-campus departments: If you have a last-minute request (less than 2-weeks out from the anticipated event/program date), after you submit your 25Live request, please be sure to have your setup diagram/details included on your 25Live request and emailed to uwbecs@uw.edu. Also, should your event require additional support from departments: Facilities, IT Services, Commuter Services, etc. be sure to reach out to them immediately with your event/program details.

For off-campus (external) clients: If your event/program date is within 3 weeks and are looking to book a space, be sure to have liability insurance, deposit, payment, parking details, and IT/media needs ready. For more information, visit our webpage about external reservations on our campus.

If the needed information and details for your event/program are not provided at the earliest convenience, we cannot guarantee proper setup of the event, available staffing, or approval of the event or food being present should it require administration permits, insurance, etc.

Permanent tabling

The UW Bothell Campus has three permanent tables that can be scheduled for tabling. To schedule one of the three permanent tables, please submit a 25Live Request. Please note there is no charge to hold a tabling event at one of the permanent tables.

Tabling must adhere to the provisions of WAC 478-136 and be done in public areas of campus such as the campus promenade, between the South Garage and the UW1 building, in the Plaza, or the Codex. Tables may not obstruct entrances, exits, staircases, doorways, hallways, or the safe and efficient flow of people and vehicles. Tables and materials may not be left unattended. The UW Bothell campus has three permanent tables that can be scheduled for tabling. Contact Events & Conference Services if you have questions.

The locations of the permanent tables are:

Post-event cleanup & signage removal

The event organizer is responsible for removing all decorations, materials, and signage (sandwich boards/A-Frames, and directional signage) from the reserved space and posting locations following the event. Please note that posting directly on windows, doors, and painted walls is PROHIBITED.

If any of the items listed above are found 4 hours after the event has concluded (using digital image as proof), Facilities will charge for removal and cleanup of such items. Charges for the removal are per the billable rate table and will be billed to the associated event.

Example: If it takes 1 hour to remove and return the sandwich board(s) or remove signage from around campus, 1 hour of work will be charged to the associated department.

Posting of approved permit(s)

The appropriate, approved permits must be posted in a conspicuous location for the duration of the event. This is a list of all approved permits that need to be displayed, if it has been issued to the event:

  • Alcohol Permit
  • Temporary Food Service Permit
  • Fire Permit
  • Tent Permit
  • City of Bothell Permit

Priority Spaces

Priority spaces are those designated for specific uses or departments based on their primary function or specialized equipment. These spaces require approval from their associated departments for use.

NOTE: *FTE-funded classrooms and labs are subject to the quarterly scheduling timeline, which gives the highest scheduling priority to University courses.

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) must work with Club Council (uwbclub@uw.edu) – Student Engagement and Activities (SEA) to receive funding for their event and approval to reserve space on campus.

For more information, please visit Club Council’s website.

Sandwich board removal

Sandwich boards and easels shall be used only to advertise or publicize university business, activities, and events.

Sandwich boards with the following conditions will be subject to removal. Each sandwich board removed will be returned to the owner and charges for removal will be incurred.

  • Outdated Boards – Sandwich boards with posters that are 2 days after the advertised event or posters with outdated information.
  • Blank Boards – Blank sandwich boards that have no attached posters/flyers.
  • Blocking Accessibility – Sandwich boards that block the ADA button, accessible pathways, pedestrian walkways, from the center of the promenade, and hallways, stairwells, elevators, and restrooms.

Each sandwich board removed will be returned to the owner of the sandwich board. Charges for the removal are per the billable rate table for Movesetup custodians.

Please refer to the posting policy for more information about sandwich boards & easels.

Serving alcohol

  • Please complete both forms at least 3 weeks before your event, if not sooner. The UW Bothell form must be signed by UW Bothell Events and Conference Services and the Vice Chancellor of Planning and Administration. Please display completed forms at your event.


Accessibility & ADA

The University is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education, and employment for individuals with disabilities. Events hosted on campus should take every effort to plan their event to be accessible to all people. Events must meet guidelines set by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).

UW Bothell Disability Resources for Students (DRS) can provide consultation and possibly assist with services and accommodations for your event. We encourage events to contact DRS with any accessibility questions

Announcement of events open to the public, employees or students

Announcements are made through brochures, flyers, position postings, web flyers, email blasts, social media event pages, event advertisements, etc. Open meetings and trainings may also fall into this category. If a calendar software is used (i.e. Trumba, etc.) it is recommended to include in the templates for invitations. All announcements should include the following statement:

“The University of Washington is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, and activities. Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by [INSERT specific date] to [INSERT sponsoring department contact, phone number, and email address].”

If limited space:

“Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by [INSERT specific date] to [INSERT sponsoring department contact, phone number, and email address].”

Amplification of sound

The UW Bothell is a campus with many activities and events occurring at all times, and as such, events must adhere to noise and sound amplification guidelines. This is to ensure activities, especially classes and instruction, are not affected.

Events in the Vistas: Noise and sound amplification during events in the Vistas have a maximum consistent sound level of 45dB. If an event gets too loud, it would cause annoyance and stress to nearby in-session classes.

The event patron must be able to control the sound level and the crowd during the event. If there is a problem with controlling the sound and crowd, please contact UW Bothell Events and Conference Services (425-352-3556).

Please refer to page 18 from the US EPA – Protective Noise Levels document about Speech Communication and Speech Interference Indoors.

The sound limit in the Plaza is 70dB. For your event, you must check out a sound monitor from the IT Desk and monitor the amps.

UW Bothell is subject to the City of Bothell Noise Ordinance. If you are planning an event involving amplification, you should confirm you are within compliance. You must get approval from the UUF. 

City of Bothell Maximum permissible source sound level in excess of increase in total sound level above the ambient sound level. View City of Bothell Municipal Codes: Table 8.26.065 

  • Monday – Friday: 7am – 8pm
  • Saturday: 9am – 6pm
  • Sunday: Prohibited

For reference, please see the On-campus protests and demonstrations section.

Bounce houses

All bounce houses must be set-up and staffed by a 3rd Party Vendor. Depending on the size of the bounce house the City of Bothell may require a Permit. Please work with UW Bothell Events and Conference Services (uwbecs@uw.edu) to schedule your event. 

Event furniture

Tables & Chairs: Do not set up, store, remove from location, or breakdown tables and chairs. Only UW Bothell Facilities Staff may do so. Rooms are set with the max capacity of seating.

Room Arrangements: Flexible classrooms and event spaces are eligible for custom room configurations. If an event space is rearranged, it must be restored to its original configuration within the amount of time reserved for the event. Sitting on tables is not permitted, as it poses a health and safety issue. Contact UW Bothell Events & Conference Services (uwbecs@uw.edu) for room reconfigurations. Additional charges may apply.

Furniture must be kept clear of all exits at all times. Furniture obstructing egress is in violation of the fire code and may result in loss of room reservation privileges.

Fire lanes

The Promenade and the Crescent Path are both Fire Lanes for the UWB/CC Campus and must be kept clear. 

Food approvals

Complete the Food Approval Form at least ten business days prior to the meeting, training or recognition event. See the page or more information.

Preferred catering – Bothell Dining

UW Bothell has an exclusive agreement for catering services with Bothell Dining, operated by Aramark. Any UW Bothell department, student organization, or other organization that is using catering services on campus during their meetings, programs, and events must order all food and beverage through Bothell Dining. Exception to this policy to utilize food services from an outside vendor will be limited to certain situations specified under their policies and procedures.

For more information about Bothell Dining’s Policies and Processes for UWB, please visit their webpage. Contact Bothell Dining at bothelldining@aramark.com.

Please note: A Temporary Food Service Permit is NOT required if you go through Bothell Dining. However, you still have to fill out an application for a Temporary Food Service Permit for non-Bothell Dining catering. Our UW EH&S staff need to look at each event and type of food and make sure the caterer is qualified, whether they are contracted or not.

Apply for a UW EH&S Temporary Food Service Permit

A UW EH&S Temporary Food Service Permit is a regulatory requirement for public events on UW property where food is sold, served or given away. It allows EH&S to evaluate the safety of event food source, preparation, handling and storage to protect health and prevent food borne illness. 

The Temporary Food Service Permit application must be submitted online to UW EH&S at least two weeks prior to the event date.

To apply for a Temporary Food Service Permit, you must be a current UW student or personnel with a UWNetID.

Not sure whether you need a Temporary Food Service Permit for your event?

An EH&S Temporary Food Service Permit is required for food service if the event meets at least one of the following conditions:

  • The event is sponsored by a UW department or group, including registered student organizations; or
  • The event is open to the public or UW campus community (students, faculty, staff); or
  • Event information was advertised in public media (e.g., posters, flyers, social media) or wider campus communications (e.g., email, word of mouth); or
  • The event is sponsored by a non-UW group and UW campus community members are invited to attend.

An EH&S Temporary Food Service Permit is NOT required if ANY of the following exceptions are true:

  • The event is not held on UW property. Check with your event site regarding specific local health department requirements for permits.
  • The event is invitation only and private (hosted and attended by a non-UW group). This may include food service for weddings, birthdays, funerals, or external company retreats at UW venues, where the campus community is not invited and will not attend.
  • The event is limited to members of a small (50 people or less), closed campus community group (e.g., a class, a lab group, an RSO).
  • The only food served will be non-perishable, commercially pre-packaged, ready-to-eat foods (e.g., prepackaged chips, candy, individually packaged baked goods, pasteurized, bottled or canned beverages) from a licensed and permitted food establishment or food processing plant.
  • The only food served will be individually prepackaged frozen confections (e.g., ice cream cones or popsicles in their original packaging) from a licensed food business or food processing plant.
  • The only food served is provided by food establishments with current EH&S-issued operating permits (e.g., Bothell Dining – Aramark, Bay Laurel Catering).

Foods prepared or stored at home (or in a kitchen without EH&S or a local county health jurisdiction approval) are not allowed to be sold or given away to the public or wider campus community. 

What you can do to stay safe:

Even if a temporary food service permit is not required, event organizers should follow safe food handling practices, including proper handwashing practices, storing food at safe temperatures, limiting food service to a short window of time, and keeping food covered and protected from potential contamination.

EH&S offers the following services:

  • Careful review of Temporary Food Service Permits
  • Consultation to groups hosting public events where food is served
  • On-site inspection of food service vendors

Visit the UW EH&S Temporary Food Service Permit website to review answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) and EH&S requirements for Temporary Food Establishments and Mobile Food Units

Additional questions about event food service or food safety? Contact the EH&S Environmental Public Health Team at phdept@uw.edu or (206) 616-1623.

Grills & BBQS

BBQs must be 25 Feet away from Building and be placed in a designated spot on the UWB Campus. A Class ABC Fire Extinguisher must be present. A permit from the City of Bothell may be required. No charcoal BBQs are allowed. All Food Safety requirements must be followed. Please work with EH&S. Link to temporary Food Service Permit.


Do not use ladders. Only UW Bothell Facilities Staff may do so.

Lawn signage

Posting is allowed on campus lawns in natural growth areas to advertise campus events. Pre-approval from UW Bothell Events & Conference Services is required.

The patron is responsible for the removal of lawn signs, charges will be incurred for non-removal.

Loading zones on campus

North Creek Event Center guidelines

Sample Diagrams for NCEC can be found here.

Rule of Thumb: Facilities needs three hours between events in NCEC to reset the space for a new event.

  • Kitchen amenities include ice machine, 2 microwaves, hot food storage box, refrigerator, and freezer. 
  • Please do not bring bags of ice to the North Creek Events Center. There is little storage, and ice is provided with the ice machine.
  • The kitchen is only for cold food prep. There is no proper ventilation in the kitchen to support cooking. Food must be stored properly in hot food boxes and/or chilled refrigerators.
  • Remove all personal belongings, items brought in by outside vendors, decorations, and leftover food; no next-day pick-up after event is allowed – unless pre-approved arrangements are made with UW Bothell Events and Conference Services.
  • All Caterers needs to bring sanitizer buckets/solution/test strips. 


Occupancy in a classroom or event space should never exceed the posted maximum occupancy. Room Occupancy is usually posted either near the entrance or just outside the room.

If an event feels they are at capacity, they should stop admitting individuals into the space. Event Patrons can contact Campus Safety (425.352.5359) to assist with events when occupancy issues arise.

On-campus protests and demonstrations

Peaceable assembly and freedom of expression is a highly valued and indispensable quality of university life. The University of Washington Bothell is committed to the free exchange of ideas and the principles of academic freedom, in accordance with the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Use of the UW Bothell facilities is governed by Chapter 478-136 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). These rules are designed to ensure that University of Washington facilities, including the UW Bothell campus, are reserved primarily for educational use including, but not limited to, instruction, research, public assembly, student activities, and recreational activities related to educational use. 

The on-campus protests and demonstrations guidelines outline expectations for, and obligations of, individuals or groups planning or holding a protest or demonstration on the UW Bothell campus. These guidelines are intended to support the right to engage in activities of free expression on campus while also ensuring the functioning of the campus.


UW Bothell expects that all persons engaging in activities on campus will act with respect for the safety of persons and property, and will comply with federal, state, and local laws as well as University and venue-specific policies. Violations may result in removal from the venue and could additionally be subject to University disciplinary or judicial proceedings.

Additional information or questions

Planning and Administration, uwbpa@uw.edu or 425.352.3642
Events and Conference Services, uwbecs@uw.edu or 425.352.3556
Student Engagement & Activities, uwbsea@uw.edu

Outdoor pop-up tents & canopies

UW Bothell faculty, staff, and students are permitted to use canopies on campus for their events and programs. Please review the guidelines below before your event to ensure you are in compliance with your canopy.

Canopy guidelines

  • Canopies should be 10-foot x 10-foot in size or smaller.
  • Canopies should be in good working order.
  • Canopies should be able to stand alone (Do not tie-off to trees, building(s) and or other structures).
  • All Canopies must be used securely weighted with sand bags or blocks to ensure that they stay in place (recommended 20lbs per leg). Facilities can supply weights, if needed.
  • Canopies are not permitted to stay up overnight. Unless prearrangements are made with UW Bothell Events & Conference Services.
  • Canopies are only allowed to be set-up in the Codex, Plaza, and at the W. Unless prearrangements are made with UW Bothell Events & Conference Services.
  • Should a canopy pull away, cause damage, etc., the University is held harmless, and the department/organization is responsible financially for any damage caused.
  • ONLY UWB Facilities staff are allowed to hang banners, decoration, or miscellaneous items on tents and canopies set up on UWB grounds.


Tents that are within 12 feet of one another are considered a single structure. Any single structure that is 400 or less square feet, does not need a permit. A single structure that is 700 square feet or less, does not need a permit if there are zero sidewalls. If the structure is over 700 square feet, it must have a permit. If it is above 400 AND has a single sidewall, it needs a permit. The City of Bothell Fire code is the International Fire Code.    

Visit this page for Fire FAQs and Community Resources.

Generally, a fire permit will be required for items like bouncy houses, generators, open flame, and tents or temporary structures larger than 10’x10’.

Projected images

The projection of images onto the interior or exterior surfaces of university buildings is not permitted except with pre-approval from the UUF Committee for marketing campus-wide events or special occasions.

The Outdoor Plaza and Sports Field are approved locations for large projections on screens. Pre-approval from the UUF Committee is required, and the event patron must adhere to the noise and sound amplification guidelines when projecting (e.g. movie, presentation).

Sidewalk chalk

Outdoor chalking is allowed on campus concrete or asphalt walkways to advertise campus events. Pre-approval from Facilities Services is required.

Chalk must be non-staining and water soluble. (Non-oil-based chalks)

For environmental health and safety reasons, the event patron is not allowed to clean up or direct the clean-up of the chalk by others. The event patron maybe asked to cover costs associated with pressure washing to clear the chalk post-event.

Smoke/fog machines

Smoke and Fog Machines are not allowed inside buildings on the UWB Campus. 

Sustainable events 

Campus events are the fun activities that unite our campus. Let’s not let our fun harm the environment! Events can be wasteful in all the materials that it takes to make an event happen. Luckily, UW Bothell Sustainability is here to provide you with the resources to make your event as sustainable as possible with their Sustainable Events Guide. We encourage our campus community to be mindful about the impact of campus events through evaluating the sources of waste potential. Food, decorations, giveaways, and brochures are all sources of event waste, among others.

The UW Bothell Sustainability Office is happy to consult with you at any time on your event sustainability, feel free to contact them at uwbsust@uw.edu.

UW1 1st Floor Lobby

The UW1 1st Floor Lobby is available for hosting tabling events with one 6-foot table and two chairs. Use of this space must not obstruct building egress or evacuation routes. Event organizers must also adhere to the amplification of sound guidelines for Vista spaces.

UW2 Commons (UW2)

The UW2 Commons can be reserved for event setup starting 30 minutes before Gold Brew closes, with the main event beginning 30 minutes after Gold Brew closes. All event requests for the UW2 Commons are subject to approval by the Office of Events & Conference Services.

Note: Gold Brew’s standard operating hours are Monday – Thursday from 8 AM to 6 PM and Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. Operating hours for quarter breaks and summer breaks may vary. Please contact uwbecs@uw.edu for any questions.

UW2-021 (Performance Studio)

UW2-021 is a performance studio located in the UW2 Commons Hall and serves as a priority space for the School of IAS. Event requestors must complete the UW2-021 Room Use Agreement via DocuSign and submit a 25Live request to reserve this space.


Vistas are reservable via 25Live. Here’s a list of Vistas available for use on the UW Bothell Campus:

  • UW1 LL Vista
  • UW1 2nd Vista
  • UW1 3rd Vista
  • DISC L1 Vista
  • DISC L4 Vista
  • INV Hall 1st Vista
  • INV Hall 2nd Vista
  • INV Hall 3rd Vista

The type of events allowed in this space are more passive engagement style of events – such as mixers, postering sessions, and small receptions. Existing tables and chairs are available to use in the spaces. Additional chairs and tables may vary depending on the type of event and considering the max capacity of the space. Additional charges may apply.

Window decoration

Drawing on or affixing anything to the campus windows is prohibited per the posting policy located here.