Jed Murr Publishes in La Norda Specialo

IAS faculty member Jed Murr's lyric essay, "some notes on preterition (n., countable and uncountable)," appeared in the most recent edition of the Northwest arts writing journal, La Norda Specialo. The issue, edited by Steven M. Miller and with contributions from Leena Joshi, Natalie A. Martínez, Kate Boyd, Michelle Peñaloza, and Storme Webber, features lyric essays about or in relation to PNW artists. Murr's essay takes flight from a series of works by Seattle-based visual artist Julia Freeman and its dialogue with the work of Fred Moten, Robin D.G. Kelley, and Nick Mitchell, among others.

May 3, 2016

Giselle Cárcamo Keynote Speaker at the 2016 Universal Leadership Conference

Alum Giselle Cárcamo (’06, Society, Ethics & Human Behavior; ’09, MSW) was the keynote speaker at the 2016 Universal Leadership Conference, a student-run conference that provides training and opportunities to understand and reflect on the interconnectedness of service, social justice, and leadership. Honoring the theme of “Radical Community,” Cárcamo shared her perspectives as an international student from Peru who deeply craved a community that valued her identity. Through relationships with faculty and engagement with ...

May 2, 2016

Mira Shimabukuro Blogs on the Impact of World War II Mass Incarceration of Japanese Americans

IAS faculty member Mira Shimabukuro writes, “When Five Seconds is a Fence” for the University Press of Colorado blog. Focusing on the impact of the World War II mass incarceration of Japanese Americans, Shimabukuro reflects on her own childhood during the Japanese American redress movement, the (mis)use of “camp” stories to sustain the Model Minority Myth, and the rhetorical importance of knowing how to listen to marginalized people whose lives have been impacted by historical events.

May 2, 2016

Julie Shayne and Dave Ellenwood Co-present Paper at Northwest Archivist Conference

IAS faculty member Julie Shayne and librarian Dave Ellenwood presented a paper titled “Feminist Pedagogy and Critical Information Literacy: University of Washington Bothell’s Social Justice and Diversity Archive” at this year’s Northwest Archivist Conference in Seattle. Shayne and Ellenwood discussed the Social Justice and Diversity Archive (SJDA) which they co-created with Denise Hattwig and Kara Adams.

May 2, 2016

Amaranth Borsuk and Shauna Carlisle Win Worthington Distinguished Scholar Awards

IAS faculty members Amaranth Borsuk and Shauna Carlisle received Worthington Distinguished Scholar awards for 2016-17. Borsuk will use the funding to support her completion of her book manuscript, The Book (under contract with MIT Press). Carlisle will devote her time to a study of African and Afro-Caribbean chronic health.

May 2, 2016

Policy Studies Alumni Share their Career Paths with Students

Four Policy Studies alumni recently met with current Policy Studies students to share their career trajectories and lessons learned along the way. Collectively, they highlighted the value and relevance of their education, which built skills in research and analysis, program administration, critical thinking, advocacy, and collaboration. Alumni included: Mariah Crystal (’10), Jefferson Ketchel (’08), Vy Nguyen (’12), and Josh Thompson (’11).

April 28, 2016

Recent Article by Becca Price Named as “Editor’s Choice” in Science

IAS faculty member Becca Price and her co-author Kathryn Perez had their recently published article, “Beyond the Adaptationist Legacy: Updating our Teaching to Include a Diversity of Evolutionary Mechanisms,” named as an “editor’s choice” in the April 15 issue of Science. The recognition calls ...

April 26, 2016

IAS Faculty Members Present at the UW Teaching and Learning Symposium

Three IAS faculty members presented at 2016 Teaching and Learning Symposium. Ursula Valdez presented “Assessing Group Dynamics and Efficiency of Collaborative Assignments” in collaboration with Jeff Jensen from STEM, and “From Cascades to Andes: A Collaborative Online International Learning Experience”. ...

April 26, 2016

IAS Welcomes 11 New Faculty Members

IAS has hired eleven new faculty members for 2016-17 across fields including arts practice, community psychology, ethnic studies, law & policy, literature, writing & rhetoric. Short bios for each are found below:

April 25, 2016