Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
On this page: Major Description | Requirements | Learning Objectives| Faculty & Staff | Recommended Preparation | Graduate school prep tips from Faculty
Follow your passion for helping people, serving the community, and improving the lives of those in need!
The Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies (GWSS) major at the University of Washington Bothell offers students the opportunity to examine social and political realities shaped by gender, sexuality, and power. Students approach topics from transnational and intersectional perspectives, enabling students to analyze and address issues of gender, sexuality, and social difference at personal, historical, institutional, and structural levels.
Do courses like Rad Women of the Global South and Economics of Gender sound exciting to you?
Do you want to explore a career in Non-Profit Organizations, Education or Law?
Students in the Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies major are passionate about understanding gender and sexuality as they intersect with race, class, ethnicity, nation, ability, cisgender privilege and other forms of power. Students often ask, Whose voices and histories are we not hearing, and why?
Courses in the Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies major focus on the texts, histories, and experiences from the Global North and South. Visibility is brought to many kinds of feminist knowledge production such as women of color feminism, transfeminism, queer feminism, feminist science and technology studies, and more.
Graduates of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies major are prepared for careers in community-based non-profit organizations, law, education, social services, the arts, and a variety of other sectors including graduate schools. Employers highly value their ability to work with diverse communities.
Major requirements
Recommended preparation
Interested in exploring this major but not ready to commit? Consider taking one of the below courses! Any of these selections will help familiarize you with the academic program and prepare you for advanced coursework in the major.
- Discovery Core Courses taught by GWSS Faculty
- BIS 162 Race, Gender, and Sexuality through Film & TV
- BIS 219 Politics of Sex Education
- BIS 222 Introduction to Human Sexuality
- BIS 224 Introduction to Feminist Studies
- BIS 227 Rad Women in the Global South
While there are no official prerequisites for the GWSS major students choosing this major will find it especially helpful to have completed college coursework in feminist studies, history and culture, sociology, or literature.. Current UW Bothell students can submit a declaration form if they are in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA), follow this link to the IAS Major Declaration Form. Incoming students can apply directly into the major when applying to UW Bothell.
Degree requirements
The following degree requirements are required as of Autumn 2024 quarter. Student who enter the Gender, Women, and Sexuality (GWSS) major prior to Autumn 2024 have different requirements. Please see your Academic Advisor for questions and academic planning.
- 10 credits of Composition Coursework
- B WRIT 133 or B WRIT 134 or ENGL 131 or equivalent (5 credits)
- B WRIT 135 or ENGL 141 or equivalent (5 credits)
- Interdisciplinary Writing Seminar: BIS 290 (5 credits) (Prerequisite of B WRIT 135 or ENGL 141)*
- BISGWS 301 Critical Gender and Sexuality Studies (5 credits)
- BISGWS 302 Histories and Movements of Gender and Sexuality or BISGWS 303** Approaches to Feminist Inquiry (5 credits)
- GWSS Coursework (30 credits)
- Additional IAS Coursework (20 credits)
TOTAL = 75 Credits
*Recommended to take prior to GWSS Core Courses
** GWSS faculty HIGHLY recommend students take both BISGWS 302 & 303. If a student completes both BISGWS 302 and BISGWS 303, 5 credits from these courses can be applied toward the student’s GWSS coursework requirement.
School of IAS Requirements & Policies
- Residency Requirement: 30 credits must be completed in residency at UW Bothell
- Cumulative GPA Requirement: Major GPA must be at a cumulative of 2.00 or higher
- Interdisciplinary Practices & Reflection (IPR): The IPR requirement can overlap with 70 credit major coursework or it can be completed through elective credits. Please see the IPR page for course options.
- Upper Division Credit Policy: Of the credits applying to the major requirements, a minimum of 35 credits must be completed at the Upper Division (300-400) level.
Learning objectives
The Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies curriculum advances the five core IAS learning objectives. Students majoring or minoring in Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies will be able to:
- Think critically about the operation of gender and sexuality at personal, institutional, and structural levels.
- Situate and analyze gender and sexuality at local, national, and transnational levels.
- Critically examine the intersection of gender and sexuality with other vectors of identity, power, and privilege such as race, ethnicity, nationality, class, age, and dis/ability.
- Undertake critical interdisciplinary research that understands the role of cultural norms and assumptions especially, but not limited to, gender and sexuality in knowledge production.
- Collaborate with peers and off campus communities to engage in scholarly and creative activities that intervene in existing debates and create new ways of engaging issues of gender and sexuality.
- Write and communicate clearly about feminist theories and manifestations of power and resistance.
- Alka Kurian
Faculty Coordinator - Anida Yoeu Ali
- Dan Berger
- Lauren Berliner
- Johanna Bissat
- Naomi Bragin
- Ching-In Chen
- Raissa DeSmet
- Deborah Hathaway
- Kristine Kellejian
- Kari Lerum
- Lauren Lichty
- Minda Martin
- Jason Morse
- Jed Murr
- Yolanda Padilla
- Alice Pedersen
- Loren Redwood
- Julie Shayne
- Neil Simpkins
Research Librarian
A. GWSS Core Courses (GWSS:CORE)
- BIS 290 Interdisciplinary Writing Seminar (5 credits)
- BISGWS 301 Critical Gender and Sexuality Studies (5 credits)
- BISGWS 302 Histories and Movements of Gender and Sexuality (5 credits) or BISGWS 303 Approaches to Feminist Inquiry (5 credits)
GWSS faculty HIGHLY recommend students take both BISGWS 302 & 303. If a student completes both BISGWS 302 and BISGWS 303, 5 credits from these courses can be applied toward the student’s GWSS coursework requirement.
B. GWSS Coursework
GWSS coursework must either focus on gender, women and sexuality studies histories, themes, and experience and/or use theoretical frameworks and methods grounded in gender, women, and sexuality studies approaches.
- BIS 162 Race, Gender, and Sexuality through Film and Television
- BIS 203 Economics of Gender
- BIS 219 The Politics of Sex Education
- BIS 222 Introduction to Human Sexuality
- BIS 224 Introduction to Feminist Studies
- BIS 227 Rad Women in the Global South
- BIS 230 Introduction to Disability Studies
- BIS 307 Environmental Justice
- BIS 310 Women, Culture & Development
- BIS 324 Gender, Human Rights, and Global Cinema
- BIS 372 Representation, Colonialism, and the Tropical World
- BIS 387 Women and American Literature
- BIS 431 Issues in Sexual Politics and Cultures
- BIS 433 Gender, Work and Family
- BIS 438 Prevention and Promotion
- BIS 455 Literature and Sexuality
- BIS 470 Art, Politics, and Social Change
- BIS 471 Women in Art
- BIS 486 Studies in Women and Literature
- BISSTA 331 The Family in U.S. Society
- BISSTS 420 Race, Gender, Science and Medicine
Elective Courses from other UW Bothell Schools
- B EDUC 461 Educational Implications of Gender Inequality
- B HLTH 223 Feminist Approaches to Women’s Health
- B HTLH 420 Women’s Global Health and Human Rights
- BST 205 Women in STEM
GWSS Special Topics Courses
GWSS coursework includes the following approved topics courses.
Please see your Academic Advisor to have these courses count toward your major requirements
- BCORE 107 Discovery Core I
- Gender Under Construction
- Revolution & Feminism in the Americas
- BCORE 115 Discovery Core II
- Doing Gender Justice
- BCORE 117 Discovery Core II
- Front & Center: Images of Women in Theatre and Film
- BIS 322 Topics in Performance Studies
- Performing Race and Gender on Film
- BIS 341 Topics in the Study of Culture
- Race, Gender and Sexuality in Museum Archives
- BIS 351 Topics in American Culture
- Women in Film
- Girls on Film
- BIS 464 Topics in Advanced Cinema Studies
- Queer & Trans Cinema
- BIS 480 International Study Abroad
- BIS 490 Advanced Seminar
- The Power of Feminist Writing
- The History and Politics of HIV/AIDS
- Memory Work and Cultural Production in Diaspora
- Gender and the Politics of Numbers
- Regulating Sexuality-Activism Policy and Everyday Life
- Gender, Law & Policy
- Women, Race, and Class
- Hollywood Cinema, Gender and Sexuality
- Commercial Sex Work, Sexual Health, and Global Human Rights
- Theory and Practice of Queer and Trans Media
- Culture and Resistance in the Americas
- Sex Work, Human Trafficking, and Social Justice
- Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Science Fiction
- Gender Violence, Policing and the Law
- Participatory Action Research to Address Sexual and Relationship Violence @ UWB
- Death Rituals
Tips for preparing for graduate school in GWSS and related fields:
- Get involved in the campus GWSS community, including but not limited to attending films, guest speakers, the Gender Equity Club, student government, etc.
- Discuss graduate options with faculty as soon as you start considering graduate school.
- Save your coursework in your portfolio, and begin thinking about the portfolio in relation to your career interests and/or goals.
- Develop good relationships with faculty whose work you admire. These relationships are important for your intellectual development, and beneficial should you require letters of recommendation.
- Inquire about internship and research opportunities with faculty and/or Career Services.
GWSS Minor
IAS also offers a minor in Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies.
GWSS Social Media
Find out about GWSS events and join the conversation on our Facebook page.
Follow us on Instagram (@gwssuwb) and Snapchat (@gwssuwb)!
Contact Professor Alka Kurian, faculty coordinator of GWSS at
IAS students may submit an online Major Petition form to request that alternate coursework satisfy a School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (IAS) major requirement. Students must be admitted or declared in an IAS major in order for the online petition to be reviewed.