Student Resources

The following resources are for School of IAS undergraduate students only. Other UW Bothell students should contact their academic program for support with requirements and policies unique to major.

View resources for IAS Graduate Students

General student information

Stay connected with the School of IAS to discover opportunities that align with your goals and interests!  

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Join the IAS group on LinkedIn  

Find IAS news and events on UWB Gather 

Get academic advising help   

Policies and Procedures

Visit the Petitions and Forms webpage to review important information about the following: 

  • Major/Minor Petition 
  • Diversity Requirement Petition 
  • Interdisciplinary Practice & Reflection (IPR) Petition 
  • Cross-Campus Registration Petition 
  • Graduation Petition 
  • Reinstatement Petition 

Students are strongly encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss petitions before submitting an online form.  

The School of IAS may limit registration in some courses to allow students who have already declared an IAS major to register for classes first. See additional details in MyPlan or the Time Schedule for more information about restrictions and when non-IAS majors may register for the course. 

Did you declare an IAS minor? If there is a registration period restriction on a class that counts toward your IAS minor, please send an email to to request an Add Code.  

Follow the reinstatement process if you were academically dismissed for low scholarship/academic warning and wish to return to IAS. 

The School of IAS requires students to earn a specific number of credits in upper division courses to satisfy graduation requirements. Upper division courses are numbered at the 300-level or higher. 

The number of upper division credits required varies by major. See your major website for more information.

A minimum of 30 credits within your IAS major must be completed in residence at UW Bothell. Students may earn residence credits in any UW Bothell course, regardless of teaching modality (in-person, distance-learning, and hybrid courses all apply). 

The School of IAS requires a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in all courses taken for the major. See your major website for a list of required courses. 

IAS students must also earn a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in all courses taken in residence at UW (including general education and elective credits) to graduate with a baccalaureate degree. 

Each IAS major requires students to complete at least one Interdisciplinary Practice & Reflection (IPR) course before they graduate. IPR course options can count as elective credits or may satisfy credits required for the major. Visit the IPR webpage to learn more about approved courses options.

The following requirements only apply to students who declared an IAS major prior to the Autumn 2024 quarter. Students may contact their academic advisor if they wish to apply updated major requirements (as outlined on the current IAS major webpage). 

BIS 300 and BIS 499 requirements: 

  • BIS 300 Interdisciplinary Inquiry is a required first quarter course for students admitted to majors in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences prior to Autumn 2024. IAS students who did not register for BIS 300 in their first quarter will receive a hold preventing registration for the future term. Students who did not complete or pass BIS 300 will also receive a BIS 300 Hold. 
  • BIS 499 Portfolio Capstone is required within the last three quarters of a student’s intended graduation. BIS 499 is a writing-intensive (W) course. Students must receive a minimum course grade of 2.5 in the portfolio capstone to graduate. Contact for help enrolling in BIS 499. 

Interdisciplinary Practice & Reflection (IPR) requirement:

Each IAS major requires students to complete at least one Interdisciplinary Practice & Reflection (IPR) course before they graduate. IPR course options can count as elective credits or may satisfy credits required for the major. Visit the IPR webpage to learn more about approved courses options.

Areas of Inquiry requirement:

  • At least 25 credits must be completed in each Area of Inquiry.  
  • The Areas of Inquiry are: Arts and Humanities (A&H), Social Sciences (SSc), and Natural Sciences (NSc). 
  • Multiply-designated courses may not be double-counted as fulfilling two Areas of Knowledge.  
  • Courses may apply to both an Area of Knowledge requirement and a major requirement. 

Upper Division Credit Policy requirement:

Of the credits applying to major requirements, a minimum of 48 credits must be completed at the Upper Division (300-400) level. 

Matriculated Status requirement:

Courses taken to satisfy IAS major requirements must be completed in matriculated status.