Dan Berger publishes on the ongoing history of opposition to racism and the American prison system

IAS faculty member Dan Berger published two pieces on the ongoing history of opposition to racism and the American prison system. He published an article in Jacobin magazine about the nationwide prison strike that took place this fall. The strike, which involved more than 20,000 participants across the country, builds on a rich history of protest against prison conditions. Berger was also one of five scholars from around the country to curate a "Prison Abolition Syllabus" for ...

November 22, 2016

Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies launches in an exciting half-day event!

On Wednesday October 26, 2016 IAS’s newest degree was launched and celebrated. The event was held on the top floor of the ARC and began at 11:30am with a meet-and-greet where attendees met student activists, learned about campus resources that will support their Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies (GWSS) extra-curricular activities, like the Office of Undergraduate Research, and browsed the UWB Bookstore’s GWSS themed book exhibit. Attendees were treated to ...

October 28, 2016

Pedersen, Lambert, and Gustafson facilitate workshop at the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education national conference

IAS faculty members Alice Pedersen, Amy Lambert, and Kristin Gustafson attended the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education national conference in Amherst, MA, where they facilitated a workshop entitled "Risk, Roles, Reflection in Contemplative Learning: Exploring via Liberating Structures." In the workshop, they reflected on the different ways their disciplines position them in relation with their objects of study, and ...

October 12, 2016

Barbara Noah co-directs “Interdisciplinary Studio Art & Italian Culture” in Rome

IAS faculty member Barbara Noah co-directed her third iteration of, Interdisciplinary Studio Art & Italian Culture, a UW Study Abroad program at the University of Washington Rome Center. Noah created the program for students from UW Bothell, as well as the Seattle and Tacoma campuses. This year, the students visited art and cultural sites in and outside Rome, explored concepts and processes in ancient through contemporary art, and ...

August 12, 2016

Amaranth Borsuk exhibits student work in Discovery Hall

Visitors to Discovery Hall this summer can see chapbooks created by students in IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk's Spring 2016 "Advanced Interdisciplinary Arts workshop: Chapbooks and Artists' Books." The class asks what poets might learn from book artists about placing form and content in dialogue. Students learn a new binding each week, read a contemporary chapbook, and create one of their own. As a culmination to the quarter, each participant creates an editioned work to trade with their peers, and the class collaborates on a chapbook consisting of their strongest writing from the quarter.

July 25, 2016

Jin-Kyu Jung and Taylor Frazier Publish “A Mixed-Methods Exploration of the Relationship Between Crime and Community Gardens”

A recent IAS graduate, Taylor L. Frazier ('15, Law, Economics & Public Policy), and IAS faculty member Jin-Kyu Jung co-authored a paper, “A Mixed-Methods Exploration of the Relationship Between Crime and Community Gardens: A Case Study of Seattle’s P-Patches from 1996 to 2006,” in the International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities.

May 25, 2016

Science, Technology, and Society Class Collaborates with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility to Produce Podcasts

IAS faculty member Shannon Cram's Science, Technology, and Society class collaborated with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility to create podcasts for its series, Down by the River: Stories of Hanford. Washington's Hanford Nuclear Reservation produced weapons-grade plutonium for more than forty years and is now the site of the world's largest and most expensive environmental cleanup.

May 18, 2016

Jed Murr and other Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Fellows Participate the 10th Annual COIL Conference in NYC

IAS faculty member Jed Murr, one of the recepients of this year's Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Faculty Fellowships, traveled with a cohort from UWB, UWS, and UWT to the 10th Annual COIL Conference held at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City on April 25th-26th. The SUNY COIL Center's annual international conference the brings together 350+ professors, international programs staff, instructional technologists, and university and college administrators from SUNY, across the U.S. and around the world to share interactive pedagogy and collaboration models and best practices. Collaborative Online International Learning intends to ...

May 11, 2016