Ursula Valdez keynote speaker at the 2017 UW Teaching and Learning Symposium

IAS faculty member Ursula Valdez was one of the keynote speakers at the 2017 UW Teaching and Learning Symposium on “Building Inclusive Classroom Communities.” Valdez’s talk focused on her work to open her classroom to international online interactions. In this case, students from UW Bothell and from a Peruvian university shared knowledge and ideas to tackle environmental issues affecting the Pacific Northwest and Peru. Valdez's work is part of the Collaborative Online Interactive Learning (COIL) initiative that aims to open in-classroom opportunities for global education.

May 9, 2017

IAS welcomes seven new faculty members starting in Fall 2017

After a highly successful search process, IAS is please to welcome seven new faculty members starting this Fall quarter. Five were hired this year, and two were hired last year, but were on fellowship leave in 2016-17, so are joining us in Fall 2017. Short bios for each of our new colleagues appear below:

May 8, 2017

Ben Gardner receives Undergraduate Research Mentor Award

IAS faculty member Ben Gardner has received a UW Undergraduate Research Mentor Award. Each year, students who are presenting their work at the Undergraduate Research Symposium are invited to nominate their mentor for special recognition. This year there were 159 nominations. Gardner was one of the five selected from this pool.

May 5, 2017

Teaching module developed by Rob Turner on Water, Agriculture and Sustainability published

A teaching module developed by IAS faculty member Rob Turner and 3 colleagues from other institutions titled Water, Agriculture and Sustainability was published on the Science Education Research Center website on March 2nd. This module provides a framework for students to learn about how people interact with water, peer into our water future, and consider ways we might foster more sustainability in water management. The three year development ...

March 8, 2017

IAS students Kyra Laughlin and Cecilee Fernadez win T-Mobile Equity and Inclusion grant!

Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies (GWSS) Student Representative Kyra Laughlin and Cecilee Fernadez presented their proposal at the UWB Equity and Inclusion conference on behalf of their new student-led organization Sexual Assault and Violence Education (S.A.V.E). S.A.V.E, along with four other student groups, competed to win a $5,000 grant provided by T-Mobile. The conference concluded with the announcement that S.A.V.E and Indigenous Summit were co-recipients of the grant and ...

February 27, 2017

Rebecca Price is featured for her work directing the Science Teaching Experience for Postdocs (STEP) program

A recent article on the UW Bothell blog features IAS faculty member Rebecca Price. In addition to teaching in IAS, Price directs the Science Teaching Experience for Postdocs (STEP) program. STEP gives biomedical postdocs the opportunity to design and deliver their own seminar courses under the guidance of faculty mentors. The postdocs work in teams of three, with each teaching three classes solo within a 10-week quarter. Price has ...

February 21, 2017

VIDEO: Don’t Look Away Yet – Final Project on Climate Justice for IAS Global Agitation Course

Artist-in-Residence Anida Yoeu Ali posed the final project for BISIA 383 Interdisciplinary Arts Workshop: Global Agitation Art & Activism as a simple challenge: Consider an important issue in your world and create an artistic work of art or an action that addresses, responds and/or challenges that issue. At the heart of the work you should consider the role of agitation as a tool to creating the final project. Use your resources, your passion, your campus and your peers. See the video here:

December 20, 2016

Loren Redwood’s Discovery Core class holds support of Dreamers event

IAS faculty member Loren Redwood's Discovery Core class, BCORE 107G, held a support of Dreamers event on December 6th in the Activities and Recreation Center. The event provided information about the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. The event also was intended to support undocumented students at risk of possible deportation under a new federal administration.

December 8, 2016