News from the School of IAS

Category: Creative Writing and Poetics

Ted Hiebert presents on “Art for Ghosts”

IAS faculty member Ted Hiebert presents on “Art for Ghosts” at the 2018 College Arts Association Conference in Los Angeles. The paper speculates on recent work by Hiebert and his collaborators Doug Jarvis and Jackson 2bears, exploring links between technological culture, surveillance, haunting and strategies for communicating with other-than-human entities.

February 26, 2018

Travis Sharp curates, produces and presents

MFA alum Travis Sharp (’15, Creative Writing & Poetics) is a Ph.D. student in the Poetics Program at the University at Buffalo (SUNY) where he teaches writing and rhetoric. Amidst the demands of graduate life, Sharp finds space to collaborate, curate, produce, and present. For example, he was recently funded to curate a series of ephemeral texts via, and this June, he will teach a workshop on ...

February 5, 2018

Talena Lachelle Queen becomes first African American Poet Laureate of Paterson, NJ

For the first time, since the city was founded by Alexander Hamilton 225 years ago, Paterson, NJ has named Talena Lachelle Queen as their first “African American Poet Laureate.” A ceremony honoring Queen will take place on February 3 at the historic Paterson Public Library. Queen (’14) is a poet and graduate of UW Bothell’s inaugural MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics program ...

February 2, 2018

Ted Hiebert published Naturally Postnatural: Catalyst: Jennifer Willet

IAS faculty member Ted Hiebert published Naturally Postnatural: Catalyst: Jennifer Willet (Noxious Sector Press, 2017), an edited collection of writings by prominent artists and scientists in the field of bioart, inspired by the work of artist and educator Jennifer Willet. With contributions by...

January 11, 2018

Creative works of Susan Brown reach local and international audiences

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing & Poetics alum Susan Brown (’14) has been busy! Her artist book Mythical Magical Physickal Madness was included in the Heroic Works exhibition at University of Oxford’s Bodleian Libraries last summer. In October, a second copy was exhibited at Seattle's Antiquarian Book Fair, which showcases thousands of rare and antiquarian books and ephemera. Brown is also ...

October 23, 2017

Amaranth Borsuk speaks and reads on the east coast

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk traveled to Temple University in Philadelphia last week to give a lecture as part of the Poets & Writers Series at the Tyler School of Art's gallery, Temple Contemporary. Her talk, "Poetic Mutations and Digital Mediations," traced her interest in the book as a transforming object across her scholarly and creative practice. While on the east coast, Borsuk also traveled to New York to read as part of SUNY Buffalo's Poetics Plus series, held at the Western New York Book Art Center, a fitting space in which to present her poetry and poetics. In addition ...

October 17, 2017

Amaranth Borsuk presents work in Denmark

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk and her collaborator Ian Hatcher traveled to Denmark to speak about their creative practice, perform their work, and discuss their project Abra, a hybrid artist's book and iOS app created with Kate Durbin. The two attended the exhibition opening of Fra A til 3D, an exhibition of international new media writing and art at the Roskilde Bibliotekerne. Abra is featured in the exhibit as winner of the Turn On Literature Prize, which presents ...

October 12, 2017

Amaranth Borsuk is featured in UW 360 segment on modern poetry and publishes new work

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk was featured this spring in a Columns article on the state of poetry at UW. The piece, written by IAS alum Quinn Russell Brown, sparked the interest of producers at UW360, who interviewed her about the role of technology and collaboration in her work. Borsuk's digitally-mediated projects include Abra, a free app for iPhone and iPad that invites readers to mutate text with their fingertips, Whispering Galleries, a LeapMotion work which uses the reader's hand gestures to reveal poems hidden within diary entries, and Between Page and Screen, a book of augmented reality poems that only exist in the virtual space opened up by the reader. ...

June 20, 2017

After the MFA: Catching up with Colin McArthur

By Kaitlin C. Young ('16) Shortly after he received his MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics, I ran into Colin (’15) at a reading at Folio, a private library in downtown Seattle. I remembered hearing him read pieces of his thesis—a beautifully written and ambitious start to a novel— at the MFA Salons. Around the same time Colin was reading at those salons, Seattle City of Literature was in the news for two reasons.

June 13, 2017