Global Business Study in India

Hello from Bengaluru, India! A group of 20 students, led by Dr. Surya Pathak and Brooks Gekler, is touring Bengaluru and Mysore in India as part of the BBUS 591 Global Study Tour. This opportunity cultivates a rich understanding of business theory and a genuine global perspective. The course develops an appreciation of national differences in culture and economic, legal, and political systems that affect business strategy, operations, and performance. The group landed on the 15th of March, and after a short adjustment period, the tour started on Saturday with a stellar lineup of speakers, companies, and educational institutions lined up throughout the week. Students will be turning in technology and cultural blogs throughout the week. Stay tuned for daily blog updates written by our students!

Day 1 – Culture Blog

Embracing the Harmony of Contrasts: Cultural Insights from India

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Day 1 – Technology Blog

Brewing Tradition with a Tech Twist

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Day 2 – Culture Blog

Golden Threads and Tuk-Tuk Thrills: Unveiling the Cultural Tapestry of Bengaluru

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Day 2 – Technology Blog

Titan’s Trailblazing Tech: Revolutionizing Retail and Beyond

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Day 3 – Culture Blog

Embark on a Journey of Discovery: From Bangalore to Mysore

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Day 3 – Technology Blog

Nurturing Minds: Exploring Business and Technology at Infosys

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Day 4 – Culture Blog

Unveiling the Soul of India: A Night of Classical Music

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Day 5 – Culture Blog

Savoring Spices and Surprises: A Whirlwind Adventure through McDonald’s and Bustling Roads

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Day 5 – Technology Blog

Exploring the Intersection of Innovation and Sustainability: A Journey through India’s Aerospace and Tech-Solutions Frontiers

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Day 6 – Culture Blog

Exploring the Vibrant Culture of Bengaluru: A Day of Entrepreneurship, Dance, and Delights

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