Why hire a business student?
Hiring a business undergraduate student as an intern brings fresh perspectives, up-to-date knowledge of modern business practices, and enthusiasm to learn and contribute. These students often bring strong analytical, problem-solving, and technological skills, which can support ongoing projects or inject innovation into the organization. Additionally, internships provide an opportunity to train and assess potential long-term talent, creating a pipeline for future hires while fostering the next generation of professionals.
Intern compensation
The objective of an internship is to provide the intern with a professional experience that enables them to contribute meaningfully, apply their knowledge as a business student, and gain valuable skills for their career. To support this, interns are typically compensated with a reasonable wage or stipend for their time. For guidance on compensation, refer to Fact Sheet #71 published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
For small businesses, adding an intern to the payroll may not be feasible. In such cases, a company can offer a stipend instead. Stipends are not considered wages and are generally not subject to Federal Withholding Tax.
Internship for academic credit:
Most students seek to earn academic credit for their internship experience. If this is the case, the organization must be prepared to offer the following:
- A professional experience that leverages their academic knowledge and enhances their professional development.
- A supervisor who will mentor and collaborate with the student, supporting them in successfully achieving their academic and professional goals throughout the internship.