Gustafson and Lanza participate in 2018 Pen to Paper Retreat

Two IAS faculty members, Carrie Lanza and Kristin Gustafson, participated in the 2018 Pen to Paper Retreat in August. The two-and-a-half-day writing retreat brought scholars — faculty, professional staff, graduate students, and community partners — together for time focused on writing with, for, and about community engagement. Participants “unfurled” writing projects, pitched publication ideas to editors of leading community engagement journals, and built a new network of colleagues doing this work from a wide variety of professional and disciplinary perspectives . This year’s retreat, held at the Dumas Bay Centre outside Seattle, resulted from a partnership of Indiana Campus Compact, the University of Washington Bothell, University of Washington, and Washington Campus Compact.

Lanza worked on several projects, including revising an article examining the early 20th century social survey movement as a historical forbear of place-based, community engaged, multimedia research and practice approaches.

Gustafson’s project is a collaboration with UW Bothell’s Director of Community Engagement, Kara Adams. Together they examine how reciprocity operates with journalism practitioners and Introduction to Journalism students doing community based learning.

In the photo from left to right are: Katryna McCoy and Mabel Ezeonwu, UW Bothell School of Nursing & Health Studies; Adams; Arkady Retik, UW Bothell School of STEM; Gustafson, and Lanza. Not pictured is Anna Winquist, UW Bothell School of Nursing & Health Studies.