P.K. Sen
UW Bothell School of Business

Curriculum Vitae
Columbia University, M Phil 1984, PhD 1985
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, B. Tech. (Honors) Mechanical Engineering
2003-2012 Professor, Department of Accounting College of Business, University of Cincinnati
2000-2003 Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, College of Business, University of Cincinnati
1993-2000 Associate Professor, School of Management, University at Buffalo.
1985-1992 Assistant Professor, Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley
1981-1985 Teaching and Research Assistant, Columbia University
Distinguished Research Scholarship and Creative Activities Award, University of Washington Bothell, 2015
International Business Education Grant (Title VI) Department of Education, U.S. Government, 2007
Best Paper Award in Accounting Education, Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Sydney, 2006
Canadian Business Studies Grant, University of Cincinnati. 2002
Grant from European Union Center, University of Georgia, 2000-2001
Arthur Anderson Fellow at London School of Economics, Spring 1998
Associate Editor, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance 2017-Present
Editorial Advisory Board, ANBAR Management Intelligence, U.K. 1998
Doctoral Consortium Coordinator, Asian Academic Accounting Association, 2007-2012
Reviewing and Refereeing for Journals for Accounting Review, California Management Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, European Accounting Review, European Journal of Operations Research, Financial Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Management Science, Review of Accounting Studies, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.
Moderator/Discussant/Panelist in Scholarly Meetings at American Accounting Association Regional and Annual Meetings, Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, Econometric Society Meetings, International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues, EIASM Workshop in Accounting and Economics, at Asian Academic Accounting Association Meeting
Pathak, S, J. Miller, P.K.Sen and Jayanth Jayaram, “Role of Supply Base in the Synergistic Creation of Absorptive Capacity: Evidence from US Manufacturing Firms” (Forthcoming Decision Sciences)
Boonlert-U-Thai, K.K, Shahrokh Saudagaran, P.K.Sen, “Fundamental Valuation in Six Asian Countries: Role of Earnings, Book Value, Residual Income, and Dividend” (Forthcoming Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance.)
Boonlert-U-Thai, K.K. and P.K.Sen “Founding Family Ownership and Value Relevance of Accounting Information: Evidence from Thailand,” Asian Review of Accounting, Vol 27 (1), 112-136, 2019
Kauffman S, Pathak SD, Sen P.K, and Choi TC. “Jury Rigging: Evolutionary “Tinkering” and Supply Network Design in the presence of Unknown-Unknowns.” Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol 54 (1), 51-63 2018.
Andrew, A, Sen, P.K. and Stephan Jens. “Analysts’ Forecasts and Uncertainty About Firm Value,” Review of Accounting and Finance, Vol 17, (3), 298-315 2018
Mindak, Mary, P.K. Sen and Jens Stephan, “Beating Threshold Targets: An Expanded View,” Review of Accounting and Finance, Vol 15, (2). 198-221, 2016
Easterday, K and P.K. Sen, “Is the January effect rational? Insights from the accounting valuation Model,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 59, Feb 2016.
Easterday, K, J. Stephan and P.K. Sen, “Another specification of Ohlson’s “other information” term for returns-earnings relationship: theory and some evidence” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 38, (9) & (10) (2011), 1123-1155.
Easterday, Katherine, P.K. Sen and Jens Stephan, “The Persistence of the Small Firm/January Effect: Is It Consistent with Investors’ Learning and Arbitrage Efforts?“, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 49 (2009), 1172-1193.
Sen, P. K., “Ownership Incentives and Management Fraud,” Journal of Business Finance andAccounting, Vol. 34, No.7, 1123-40, October 2007.
Sen, P.K., “Reported Earnings Quality Under Conservative Accounting and Auditing,” Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Vol. 20, No. 3 (New Series), 229-256, Summer 2005.
T.S. Raghu, H.R. Rao and P.K.Sen, “A Relative Performance of Incentive Mechanisms: Computational Modeling and Simulation of Delegated Investment Decisions”, Management Science, Vol. 49 No 2, 2003, 160-178.
Das, S., P. K. Sen and S. Sengupta, “Strategic Alliances: A Valuable Way to Manage Intellectual Capital?” Journal of Intellectual Capital Vol. 4, No.1, 2003, 10-19.
Gietzmann, M. and P. K. Sen, “Improving Auditor Independence Through Selective Mandatory Rotation“, International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2002.
De, S. and P. K. Sen, “Legal Liabilities, Audit Accuracy and the Market for Audit Services“, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Vol. 29 Nos. 3&4, 2002, 353-410.
Das, S., P. K. Sen and S. Sengupta, “Impact of Marketing and Technological Alliance on Firm Valuation”, Academy of Management Journal, Volume 41, No. 1, 1998, 27-41
Paik, T. Y. and P. K. Sen, “Project Evaluation and Control in a Decentralized Organization: Is Capital Rationing Always Optimal?” Management Science, Volume 41, No 8, 1995, 1404-1414.
Bar-Yosef, S and P. K. Sen, “On Optimal Choice of Inventory Accounting Method,” Accounting Review, Vol. 67, No. 2, 1992, 320-336.
Kirby, A., S. Reichelstein, P. K. Sen and T. Y. Paik, “Participation, Slack and Budget Based Performance Evaluation,” Journal of Accounting Research, Volume 29, No. 1, 1991, 109127.
Sen P. K., “Evidence of Work Related and Incentive Payments in Gubernatorial Pay,” Public Choice, Volume 71, Nos 1-2, 1991, 89-100
Balakrishnan R., T. Harris and P. K. Sen, “The Predictive Ability of Geographical Segment Disclosure”, Journal of Accounting Research, Volume 28, No. 2, 1990, 305-325.
Invited Teaching of Research
2009 Beijing Jiaotong University
2001 Indian Institute of management, Summer School for Young Economists, Econometric Society South and South-east Asia Chapter
Doctoral Colloquium, Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Bali 2011, Bangkok 2010, Istanbul 2009, Jogjakarta 2007, Sydney 2006, Kuala Lumpur, 2005
2005 Symposium for Technical Standards for Accounting Education and Research, University of Chile
Presentations at Meetings of Scholarly Associations and Societies: (Selected)
American Accounting Association, Annual Meetings, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1988
Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Meetings, 2010- 2005, 2002, 2001
Presentations at Research Conferences and Symposia: (Selected)
2009 Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, Washington DC
2009 17th Annual Conference On Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management, and 3rd International Conference On Business In Asia (ICBA), Bangkok
2008 Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (JCAE) Symposium, Hong Kong
2008 5th Workshop on Corporate Governance, Brussels
2007 5th International Conferences on Business and Economics, Athens
2005 3rd European Auditing Research Network Symposium, Amsterdam
2005 Management Accounting Association-ENROAC Annual Conference, Antwerp
2002 Financial Economics and Accounting Conference, Maryland
2000 The Second Globalization Conference of BAA and AAA, Cambridge
Research Presentations at Universities (Selected)
2016, 2012, 2010, 2008 Chulalongkorn University
2010 Indian Institute of Management
2009 Eastern Michigan University
2007 SUNY-Buffalo
2006-1999 University of Cincinnati
2005, 2001 Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
2001 Calcutta University, India
2000 George Mason University
2016, 2015 Professor of the Year, MS Accounting
2012 Nominated for Excel Award for Graduate Teaching, University of Cincinnati
2011 Dean’s List of Teaching Excellence
2007 Special Recognition at Commencement, one of 383 Faculty in the University of Cincinnati based on Student Recommendations
Accounting Theory, International Business Integral, Cost and Managerial Accounting
Accounting Theory, Cost and Managerial Accounting, Cost Management for Health Care Industry, Strategic Cost Management, Management Control System, Seminar on International Business and Managing Cultural Differences, The MBA Capstone, Seminars in Economic Modeling in Accounting, Seminar in Valuation Theory, Research Workshops
2007 International Business Education (Title VI) Department of Education, U.S. Government, 2007 Principal Investigator: The total amount of award $173,000
2004-2007 Faculty Development Grant, University of Cincinnati
2002 Canadian Business Studies Grant, Center for Global Competitiveness, University of Cincinnati
2007-2012 Coordinator of Doctoral Colloquium: Asian Academic Accounting Association
Reviewing Papers for Technical Sessions in Association Meetings at
at American Accounting Association Northeast Regional Meetings and at American Accounting Association Annual Meetings
Moderator/Discussant/Panelist in Scholarly Meetingsat American Accounting Association Regional and Annual Meetings, Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, Econometric Society Meetings, International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues, EIASM Workshop in Accounting and Economics, at Asian Academic Accounting Association Meeting
Reviewing and Refereeing for Journals for Accounting Review, California Management Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, European Accounting Review, European Journal of Operations Research, Financial Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Management Science, Review of Accounting Studies, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.
External Examiner for PhD Thesis at Calcutta University, India, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Indira Gandhi Open University, India
2002 Examiner: Ohio Award for Excellence