Campus Safety/Law Enforcement

Previously, Campus Safety officers all underwent annual training on sex- and gender-based violence, which had been provided by the VPA. This training was on hiatus while campus operations were remote. This gave us an opportunity to intentionally review and revise the training officers receive from various on-campus resources, and see how to fit in with their additional trainings.

Goals for Campus Safety/Law Enforcement

By the end of year 2, we will have created an annual training process for Campus Safety and Bothell Police Department (BPD) so that all officers, including dispatchers, receive and actively participate in foundational training on implementing a trauma-informed response on all gender-based violence crimes.

Campus Safety and BPD will actively participate in the CCRT efforts and identify community and campus partners to create relationships that will have a postive impact on their ability to respond in a trauma-informed manner to all gender-based violence crimes.

Campus Safety and BPD will develop internal policies and protocols for responding to dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking (DVSAS) cases. We will create feedback mechanisms for officers to assess all training, policy, and protocol updates, and overall evaluation of the Campus Safety response to gender-based violence.

By the end of year 3, we will continue the annual process of training Campus Safety officers with additional topics that build on the foundational training. Campus Safety and BPD will continue CCRT participation and will identify potential efforts for student interaction and education, including prevention efforts.

All officers will be trained on new policies and protocols. We will create a feedback mechanism for campus to assess overall response to gender-based violence crimes, including policy and protocol.

Key activies accomplished

  • VPA staff provided all Campus Safety officers with a 2-hour intensive training on trauma-informed responses to sex- and gender-based violence and harassment reports.
  • 80% of Campus Safety staff received 6 additional Trauma-Informed and DVSAS trainings 
  • Created an annual training plan for all campus safety and BPD officers to ensure staff receive training in trauma-informed care and best practices. 
  • Planning is in progress for the fall training, and a sustainability plan.