Violence Prevention & Advocacy

What We Do

The Violence Prevention & Advocacy (VPA) office offers confidential support to students affected by sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and related experiences. Our advocates are available to meet with students to discuss reporting options, accommodations, and both on- and off-campus resources. Additionally, we provide prevention programs focused on consent, healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and more. While the VPA is not a crisis service and our staff are not licensed counselors however, we can refer you to appropriate services for further support.

Our Mission

The Violence Prevention & Advocacy (VPA) office leads efforts at UW Bothell and Cascadia College to foster a community free from sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and related experiences. Our prevention work aims to address the root causes of harm and collaborate with our community to cultivate a culture of consent, respect, and healthy relationships. Our survivor advocacy work focuses on providing space, community, and support for individuals directly and indirectly affected by violence and harassment. To all survivors in our community: we see you, and we believe you.

We envision a UW Bothell and Cascadia College community that is free from violence and harassment, grounded in respect, support, and social justice.

Location & Hours

We are located in UW1 080 on the bottom level and the entrance says, “Counseling Center & Student Affairs.” For appointments, enter through the Counseling Center entrance and provide your name to the front desk. We are open Monday – Friday, from 10-4pm.

Upcoming programs & events

We will post new opportunities to connect soon!

Looking for additional wellness resources? The counseling center offers mental health services and resources, and the Health and Wellness Resource Center (HaWRC) offers community resources: