Workday Research Resources 

Workday is UW Bothell’s financial system which allows researchers to manage award expenditures, budget tracking, payroll expenses, procurement and travel expenses, award inventory management, manage cost share and manage subawards. This robust system has a variety of customizable reports that Principal Investigators and administrators may utilize to get the most up to date information on award finances.  

Grant Reports and Resources: 

The following Workday reports can be accessed by PIs and Administrators supporting. Start by logging into Workday and searching the title in the top search bar.  

  • Grant Budget Vs Actuals R1234 – This report provides the budget and actual expenditures for a grant for a specific fiscal or award period, including direct and indirect totals by sponsor, cost share, and program income revenue. Use this report to track spending.  
  • Grant Manager Dashboard: This dashboard gives PIs an overview of all their grants, including total spent and remaining. If you are not the PI for the grant and click on this, you will not see any results, this is just for PIs.  

Workday Training and Support 

UW transitioned to Workday July 2023 for the FY24 fiscal year. With this transformation, UW has put together numerous resources to navigate the transition. Below are some relevant links for tracking your grants in the new system: 

If you would like to review your grant expenditures in workday, please email your contact, Leena Perera ( or Kelsey Bolinger (

Payroll and Expense Adjustments: 

The Office of Sponsored Research provides each PI a monthly report of their award expenditures to review and approve. This report will typically have indirect and direct costs associated with the specific grant. The purpose of this report is to allow a PI to confirm expenses are correct while also tracking budget amounts each month. In the case that there is a missing or incorrect transaction, it is the responsibility of the PI to inform a member of OSR or the department of the changes required. Salaries and fringes are included in these reports to provide PIs a comprehensive overview of their award spending, however official approval of salaries and fringes are done during the effort review process. 

A PI or department administrator may use Workday as a tool to track these expenses to ensure the award is being spent correctly. An expenditure correction must be made within 90 days of when the error is discovered. If an adjustment is requested more than 120 days after the transaction date, an additional explanation for why the adjustment is late must be included and available for reference. The monthly reports sent from OSR can eliminate delays in catching errors to meet the requirement of making these adjustments within the correct window.

Workday FAQs

There are three dashboards within Workday that identify key reports: 

Note: Access to these reports depends on your security role. Additionally, if you believe you have the correct role, but still can’t find these dashboards, make sure you’re spelling them correctly in your search. If you continue to have errors, please email us. 

You will need to email the Office of Sponsored Research, either Cindy Shirley (, Leena Perera ( or Kelsey Bolinger ( to discuss the error. You should also include a member from your department. Even if you’re unsure whether something is incorrect, please feel free to discuss the concern with us and we would be happy to support you.

Your budget is created in SAGE however; Workday will show you your remaining balance for your grant as well as how much you have already spent. Tracking your spending in Workday is helpful for managing your award funds, and also a required process in managing your grant. 

Your grant, cooperative agreement, or contract will be assigned a unique Award Number, displayed as AWD-123456, as well as one or more unique grant numbers, displayed as GR123456. You will receive a unique GR number with each funding source. For example, if your award includes a subaward, cost share or sub budget, each category will have its own unique GR number. This is because the GR number is used for spending. Your award number is not used for spending but as an identifier of your entire award, including any subawards, cost share or sub budgets. Additionally, your GR number is called a “Driver work tag” which means that when it is inputted into the workday system it will automatically populate the other associated work tags for your award.

Workday reports source data from Workday, which only reflects data from Fiscal Year 2024 and later. MyFD reports source data from the Financial Accounting System (FAS), which only reflects data from Fiscal Year 2023 and earlier. Because the data comes from different sources and different periods, Workday reports cannot be compared against legacy MyFD reports. MyFD does not exist anymore if you need any information please email OSR.  For more details visit UW Finance Reporting Wiki (Must be Logged onto HuskyOnNet)