Non-financial components

Data management

Resources and information offered from UW Libraries. Learn what data management is, what tools you can use to organize your research and how to cite and archive your data. Visit the UW Data Management page for more information about data management resources.

Export control

Export control is a set of regulations to restrict the export of information, services, technology, or goods in the interest of protecting national security. Depending on your research, and if you travel or work abroad, you may have to consider export control regulations.

Working with animals

  • The Office of Animal Welfare (OAW) facilitates the review of research protocols and grants involving live vertebrate animals.
  • The Animal Use Medical Screening program evaluates and addresses potential health risks related to working with research animals. It is offered to all University faculty, staff, and students who work directly with animals or unfixed animal tissues or body fluids.

Working with minors (APS 10.13)

The purpose of APS 10.13 Requirements for University and Third Party Led Youth Programs is to establish minimum requirements that serve as safeguards in protecting the well-being of youth (persons under the age of 18) who come into contact with university programs.

Research that is overseen by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) has some safeguards in place for “vulnerable populations,” including youth. APS 10.13 addresses additional critical safety and prevention measures such as background screening, training, conduct or personnel who interact with youth, emergency preparedness and response, and more broadly-defined health and safety measures that are not addressed by IRB requirements. This policy applies to all research led by the University of Washington that includes youth as a primary subject population and that involves in-person or virtual (e.g., online) interactions with youth. Read more about APS 10.13.

Human subjects

Research involving human subjects must be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). The UW has four IRBs. The Human Subjects Division (HSD) provides administrative support and facilitates IRB review; assisting researchers throughout the process. Visit the UW Human Subjects Division website for more information. The Getting Started page is a good resource for researchers new to IRB review and/or new to the UW.