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Director, UW Bothell Sponsored Programs

A Certified Research Administrator and UW Bothell OSP here to assist in the wide-range aspects of research administration for UW Bothell. *UW Authorized signing official.

Dr. Wadiya Udell

Associate Vice Chancellor, Faculty Success
Phone: 425-352-3672

Dr. Udell is the VC of Faculty Success, which includes the Office of Sponsored Research and the Learning & Teaching Collaborative.

Leena Perera

Budget Fiscal Analyst Lead
Phone: (425) 352-5492

Leena is a Fiscal Analyst focused on reconciling budgets, collecting GCCRs, and clarifying fiscal compliance within the grants world.

Kelsey Bolinger

Grant Administrator
Phone: (425) 352-3054

Works directly with PIs on pre-award processes, complex and/or multiple awards, and campus infrastructure grants.

Amanda Sendele

Program Coordinator
Phone: (425) 352-3528

Supports the Offices of Sponsored Research and Faculty Success with administrative work.


Not sure who to contact? Most of our staff is cross-trained in many services. For more information about our policies, see our Policies page.

  • Cindy Shirley: budget development, kick-off meetings with PIs
  • Kelsey Bolinger: proposal package and budget development
  • Leena Perera: creates eGC1s for UW Bothell faculty
  • Cindy Shirley: manages Faculty Effort Certifications (FECs)
  • Leena Perera: fiscal compliance contact, manages GCCRs for staff effort, approves cost transfers for faculty, reconciles all grant budgets for faculty, quarterly check-ins and kick-off meetings with UW Bothell faculty PIs.

In addition to her role in the Office of Sponsored Research, Cindy Shirley also serves UW Bothell with a dotted-line to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) in Seattle. OSP reviews and submits proposals to external sponsors and accepts funding on behalf of the University for research, instruction, and other sponsored activity.

OSP supports the research community by establishing policies related to sponsored program funding, providing guidance and consultation, and serving as a formal liaison with the sponsor on administrative changes throughout the life of the award. Cindy is available to answer questions related to your project.

The indirect cost recovery division at UW Bothell is as follows: 60% of the funds received go to the Office of Sponsored Research. The remaining 40% go to the School/Center, who have their own distribution guidelines. Calculation takes place after the year end and distribution generally happens in the fall.

This unit is now located under the the Office of Connected Learning.