Shari L. Dworkin, PhD, MS, Professor

Dr. Dworkin received her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. Prior to arriving at the University of Washington Bothell, she was Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine in the Columbia University School of Medicine and Associate Professor in the UCSF School of Nursing in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences. She was the previous Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the UCSF School of Nursing and was a founding member and Deputy Co-Director of the UC Global Health Institute Center of Expertise on Women’s Health and Empowerment. As Associate Dean at UCSF, she was focused on salary equity practices and recruiting and retaining under-represented minority faculty. She co-led a national best practices study in recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty among Nursing Schools and Health Sciences campuses and helped to change recruitment practices in the School of Nursing at her home institution. All of her work is community engaged, focused on health and social justice, and interdisciplinary.
Dr. Dworkin’s research portfolio focuses on gender relations and HIV prevention, treatment and care in the U.S, Kenya, and South Africa. She has expertise in masculinities focused gender-transformative health interventions with men to reduce HIV and violence risks and to improve HIV care and treatment outcomes. Recently, her gender-transformative work shifted to a focus on improving male involvement in family planning outcomes. She also carries out critical media analyses on gender, race, health and the body. She is the author of Body Panic: Gender, Health and the Selling of Fitness (2009, NYU Press). She is the author of Men at Risk: Masculinity, Heterosexuality and HIV Prevention (2015, NYU Press), and is the lead executive Editor of Women’s and Empowerment and Global Health: A 21st Century Agenda (2016, University of California Press). She has published approximately 100 journal articles; published venues include: American Journal of Public Health, AIDS & Behavior, the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, AIDS Care, the Journal of Sex Research, AIDS Education and Prevention, AIDS Patient Care & STDs, Culture, Health and Sexuality, Social Science & Medicine, AIDS and JAIDS.
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
- BS, Business Logistics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
- MA, Sociology
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
- PhD, Sociology
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
- Certificate in Gender Studies, Program for the Study of Women and Men
Columbia University
New York, NY
- MS, Biostatistics (MPH)
Office: UW2-222
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Public Health
- Intersectionality and Health
- Research Methods
- Sex, Gender, and Health
- Social, Economic, and Cultural Determinants of Global Health
- Prevention Interventions and Health
- Sociocultural Aspects of HIV and AIDS