Admitted students


Congratulations and welcome to the Master of Science in Community Health & Social Justice. We are excited for you to join our community of learners and change agents. Getting into graduate school is a huge achievement; you belong here and we are thrilled to have you! We highly encourage taking the time to celebrate!

We will work together to center community and to build power for health justice and racial equity so that communities can thrive!

Nora Kenworthy, PhD (she/her) 
Associate Professor

In addition to the university and Graduate School requirements for enrollment, complete the following:

Sign up for academic planning and program orientation

We understand we have multiple events we are asking you to attend in preparation for the program and graduate school. We do this because we care about your transition and graduate school success. At a minimum we expect all students attend the academic planning session with the program advisor and the program orientation with your professors while highly encouraging student to attend the graduate coaching and library/writing center sessions. 

Summary of new student activities prior to fall start

  1. Academic planning session with the graduate program advisor. These are small group sessions (online). Various times available.
  2. Graduate Coaching: Strategies and tips for success (online): Early-September 2025
  3. Graduate Library and Writing Center Orientation (online): Mid-September 2025
  4. Program Orientation with your graduate faculty (in-person): Thursday, September 18th 1:00-3:30 pm

Register for classes, set up technology, review resources

  • Set up your UW Student email and activate Two-Factor authentication (2FA) as instructed in the UW IT Student Quick Guide.
  • Register for classes. Locate class registration information using the Quarterly Time Schedule. Select the School of Nursing and Health Studies then Health Studies (BHS). Enroll in BHS 501 and BHS 502 for full time study. Enroll in BHS 501 only for part-time study. Need help registering? Review the How to Register Guide.
  • Review the program plans of study for the complete full time and part time schedule. Student progress through the program as a group (aka; a cohort). 
  • Review the Graduate Student Handbook once you receive access from the program advisor.
  • Follow up with the Office of Financial Aid for questions regarding aid. Tuition is due the 3rd Friday of each quarter.
  • Review how to use Canvas (the online tool you will use for all classes and most likely communication).
  • Contact UWB IT if you will need to borrow a laptop and need a Wi-Fi Hotspot. It is first come/first serve and inventory is limited. Don’t wait to request.
  • Familiarize yourself with the university academic calendars which include instructional dates, add/drop course deadlines.
  • Join the UW Graduate School self-paced Online Orientation.
  • Familiarize yourself with and access the student support services which include, but are not limited to, the Student Parent Support Program, Veteran’s Services, and Disability Resources.

Celinda Smith, Graduate Program Advisor
cesmith3@uw.eduBook an appointment
School of Nursing and Health Studies located in UW1-211

Updated September 2024