Linda Eaton: Current Research

Chronic pain is a common and significant problem for cancer survivors long after completing curative treatment. While pharmacological interventions reduce pain, patients may benefit from nonpharmacological interventions such as mind-body therapies. These interventions are safe, accessible, and can be used to self-manage pain; however, research is needed to support the use of these interventions in practice. My work involves testing nonpharmacological interventions for managing symptoms such as chronic pain.
After completing a pilot study to evaluate hypnosis recordings for chronic pain management, my research team and I conducted a randomized controlled trial with 109 adult cancer survivors to determine if hypnosis recordings reduce chronic pain. We compared the hypnosis recordings to relaxation recordings used by the control group. Although we found that hypnosis wasn’t superior to relaxation, both interventions were effective in reducing chronic pain. These findings are featured in the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Clinical Digest for Health Professionals.
My current work involved pilot testing a mindfulness recording for test anxiety with 29 UW Bothell biology students. I partnered with Dr. Bryan White, a STEM teaching professor, and three undergraduate students to evaluate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the mindfulness recording. While the intervention showed promising results in reducing test anxiety, further testing with a larger sample is needed. We are applying for funding to support a fully powered trial.
I have always been an oncology nurse, beginning with working as a bedside nurse and continuing as a clinic nurse, research nurse, and clinical nurse specialist. One of the roles I most enjoyed was working for the research department of my professional nursing organization, the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS). I telecommuted for 15 years since ONS is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Finally, I worked as a research project director at the UW Seattle campus. This job motivated me to obtain my PhD and complete a post-doc fellowship at the University of Utah. I have been at the Bothell campus since 2018. I enjoy reading, swimming, knitting, and traveling in my spare time. My husband and I are working on visiting every national park.