Meet Elizabeth Dawson!
Elizabeth Dawson, BSN student, was recently awarded a King County Nurses Association (KCNA) scholarship. Regarding the award, Elizabeth said, “I am honored to be a nurse, especially during the past two years.”

We caught up with Elizabeth and asked a few questions about her student experience.
Please tell us about yourself and your academic journey.
My first major was in psychology. After realizing I wanted to be an RN, I went to school for my ADN and worked as an NAC at the same time. I have worked for 2.5 years at Swedish and am excited to wrap up this part of my journey to becoming an NP!
Did you have a particularly memorable course? What did you like about it?
I really enjoyed BHLTH 497: Community and Generational Healing Through Birth Art & Story; I found this class to be informational and fun at the same time!
Please tell us about your fieldwork experience.
I am currently working on a project that is connected to the Edmonds Senior Center. Community work is my favorite part of this program, and learning about community nursing has been enlightening and made me rethink my future nursing trajectory.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
I am grateful for this program and the experiences I have had in my clinicals.