SNHS Students and Students from Al Quds University Discuss Women’s Global Health & Human Rights
Assistant Professor Jody Early led students in her BHLTH 420: Women's Global Health & Human Rights course on an exploration of critical women's health issues from a lifespan perspective and across the world. Students read and listened to women’s lived experiences, reviewed current research and scholarly evidence, examined international and domestic policy, dialogued about critical issues, and completed a Photovoice project with students on the West Bank in Palestine. Their partners were Professor Jihan Dana and her students at Al Quds University in the West Bank. While difficult issues were discussed, students also examined examples of resistance and resilience, spotlight organizations and individuals who create change, and learned to consider ways in which we can apply what we are discussing to our own professional practice and personal lives. Please visit the student created website to learn about Photovoice; communication and collaboration across cultures, time zones, and life circumstances; and raising social consciousness about global issues that influence wellness, social and political injustice; marginalization, and gender equity.