Health Studies Students Intern with Public Health
As interns with Public Health – Seattle and King County, three Health Studies students completed a quarter-long fieldwork assignment. Ilma Vikovic, Julianne Korn, and MyKa’La Alexander worked to promote fruits and vegetables in home child care meals. There are over 1200 family home child care providers in King County and the students' work will encourage healthy eating habits and access to healthy food options in these care setting. Please visit the students' Public Health Insider blog and watch their video, "Connecting the Dots: Family Home Child Care in King County." You can also read another UWB article featuring MyKa’La Alexander, Ilma Vikovic, and Julianne Korn, our Healthy Eating and Active Living Interns.

In addition to this internship, many Health Studies students participated in a summer quarter study abroad trip to Guatemala. For more information about their experience, see their video and a detailed UWB article.