News Stories by Topic

A complete list of stories featured in News from UW Bothell.

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Transformational learning: class inside prison

Since Gary Carpenter started teaching art classes at UW Bothell in 2011 he’s brought in homeless people, visited a tent city and held classes inside the Monroe prison – experiences that lead to a different view of the world, privilege and social inequity.

October 13, 2016

Self-driving bikes could move the world

With help from Amazon Catalyst, UW Bothell faculty member Tyler Folsom is leading a group of students working to develop self-driving bicycles. Costing far less than a self-driving car, autonomous bikes could improve traffic safety, speed up urban transportation and save energy, reducing climate change.

October 11, 2016

Easy entry for teens into Seattle arts scene

The best bargain on arts tickets for teens in the Seattle area just got better. A team led by University of Washington Bothell students developed an iOS app for TeenTix, the nonprofit that makes $5 day-of-show tickets available to teens.

October 10, 2016

DelBene versus Sutherland at election forum

A faceoff between incumbent Democratic Congresswoman Suzan DelBene and Republican challenger Robert Sutherland is the main event at an election forum Oct. 13 at the University of Washington Bothell.

October 6, 2016

Preparing for the Big One

The earthquake simulation trailer at the Oct. 5 Safety Fair gave visitors the feel of a magnitude 7.0 quake and reminded them of the Oct. 20 Great Shakeout drill and the risk of the Big One. “There’s a huge possibility of an earthquake around here,” says Darren Branum, the campus emergency preparedness manager.

October 6, 2016

Opportunity knocking at job fair

More than four dozen businesses, agencies and institutions will be opening their career doors to University of Washington Bothell students at the Fall Job & Internship Fair Oct. 18 at the Activities and Recreation Center.

October 4, 2016

Opportunities for undergraduate research

More than 40 projects are available for students to work with UW Bothell professors. Start making those connections at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Practice Fair. Check out posters on display Oct. 12 on the top floor of the Activities and Recreation Center.

October 4, 2016

Faculty research benefits community

The theme for this fall’s University of Washington Bothell Research in Progress series is community engaged scholarship. The seven seminars feature faculty engaged in mutually beneficial community partnerships.

October 3, 2016

Mythbusted: College is scary

At the UWBasics: Mythbusters Edition program, sponsored by the Student Success Center, incoming students learned that changing majors is not a sign of failure, GPA isn’t everything, and you don’t have to run up a massive student debt.

September 29, 2016

Students aid in breakthrough against dementia

Chemistry professor Lori Robins and students Luis Contreras and Virkamal Dhaliwal helped the Briotech company of Woodinville prove its product is effective in destroying prions, the abnormal proteins that cause dementia disorders such as mad cow disease and Alzheimer’s.

September 29, 2016

Admissions: focus on student access

Keeping the focus on student access to higher education is at the very top of everything James D. Miller does as the new director of admissions.

September 29, 2016

Convocation launches year

The incoming class of 2020, new transfer students and their families were welcomed to the University of Washington Bothell at convocation. The ceremony Sunday was the 11th year of the tradition that officially kicks off the new academic year and the 10th year for first year students.

September 25, 2016