Brace yourself for the Great Washington ShakeOut Oct. 20 at 10:20 a.m.
This is part of a national earthquake drill and a reminder that we live in a region that many experts believe is overdue for a massive quake. Among them is Darren Branum, campus emergency preparedness manager, who says, “We don’t know when, but it’s most likely going to happen.”
You may have seen the Quake Hold trailer simulating a magnitude 7.0 quake during the Oct. 5 Safety Fair on the promenade. Even students who have experienced quakes were surprised at the intensity. Everyone should be aware of the potential damage of the Big One.
The University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia College campus will be participating in Thursday's ShakeOut with announcements over the fire alarm PA system, UW Alert test and ALERTUS desktop notifications. This is your opportunity to practice “drop, cover and hold on.”
The alerts you receive via text message or email will say “UW Bothell/Cascadia alert.” The alert will direct users to our emergency website www.uwb.edu/emergency for specific information.
Make sure you’re registered for UW alerts and find more information about ShakeOut and emergency preparedness is available online:
ShakeOut WA
UWB Emergency Page
UW Alert
Earthquake Preparedness
UWB Safety: Are You Ready?