Graduate Student Exception

Thesis or Dissertation (700/800 courses)

This exception is for graduate students who have completed all formal coursework and are enrolled in a thesis or dissertation course. The academic expectations of completing thesis work can be the same as a student enrolled in 10 regular course credits. In other words, the student might still be considered to be enrolled full-time by the school despite being enrolled in fewer than 10 thesis credits.

How to use:

Students must submit the graduate student exception request on the international student portal every quarter they’re using it. The request asks for an academic advisor’s name and email address as an “approver” to verify enrollment in a thesis or dissertation.

Who is eligible for the Graduate Student Exception:

  • F-1 graduate students, physically present in the US, who have completed all formal coursework and are enrolled in a 700/800 level thesis or dissertation.
  • F-1 graduate students, who are grandfathered into the exception for CSS-595 (Master’s Project).
    Criteria for eligibility:
    • Must be physically present in the US and enrolled in CSS-595
    • Must have completed all formal coursework for your degree
    • Must have started CSS-595 prior to Summer 2025

Is this different from a Reduced Course Load (RCL):

Yes, this is different. An RCL is telling the US government that the student is no longer enrolled full-time due to illness or their final quarter. This exception is saying that the student is maintaining full-time enrollment.

When will it be processed?

Requests submitted in the international student portal will be processed within the first 30 days of the quarter as part of your SEVIS registration.