Amaranth Borsuk publishes work in Fence

The 40th issue of Fence, a biennial magazine of poetry, fiction, art, and criticism that since 1998 has published “challenging writing distinguished by idiosyncrasy and intelligence rather than by allegiance with camps, schools, or cliques,” is full of wonderful and innovative work. It includes work from MFA faculty member Amaranth Borsuk’s collaboration with Terri Witek, W/\SH, a speculative ecopoetic manuscript that envisions an exchange between women in two worlds, one beset by torrential rains, the other by draught and fire.
Borsuk also has a prose poem in the issue—”Pattern on Pattern, All Things Permeated by Laundry and Mint, Stirred Cake and Butter Cookies,” which appears alongside pieces by a number of previous MFA visiting writers, including Joyelle McSweeney, Julie Carr, Rodrigo Toscano, and Johannes Göransson. Check out the issue at the Fence website, where you can read a digital companion to the print issue that includes work in response to Edgar Garcia’s prompt, “What’s Wrong with American Poetry Right Now?”