Amaranth Borsuk Participates in Roundtable on Visual Poetry and Poetics
This past spring, IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk and her collaborator Terri Witek took part in a roundtable conversation of poets and book artists convened by writer Amanda Earl to discuss their poetics. Staged as an asynchronous Q&A among the participants, the slow and methodical exchange created space for them to get to know one another’s work and look for intersections and inspiration within it. The resulting conversation has just been published in Rob McLennan’s Periodicities: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics as “Visual Poetry Through the Lens of the Long Poem: A Conversation.” Though their techniques, subjects, and materials varied, the conversants found significant common ground in their need to repeat, work out, and pursue questions over a longer project. Participants include: Sacha Archer, Amaranth Borsuk and Terri Witek, ReVerse Butcher, Amanda Earl, Helen Hajnoczky, James Knight, Dona Mayoora, Imogen Reid, Ben Robinson, Kate Siklosi, Barrie Tullett, Shloka Shankar, and Nicola Winborn.