Aimee (Harrison) Wright Clow Receives Beulah Rose Poetry Prize

Last week venerable literary journal Smartish Pace named IAS alum Aimee (Harrison) Wright Clow (MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics, 2014) the winner of its 19th annual Beulah Rose Poetry Prize. Her poem "the what inside the thing made kin" will appear in the Summer 2022 issue of the journal alongside the other winners and finalists.
2022 has already been a busy year for Wright Clow. This week, her poem "Landscrape" appears in Cagibi 15. In January, Fact-Simile published "Fog Shades the Road in a Haloed Light" and "The Light that’s Cast as We Walk Home," and phoebe published "Stilts." And in December of 2021, Hayden's Ferry Review published "Meditation, Nue Couchée" in its body language series.
Wright Clow lives in Durham, North Carolina, where she designs books for Duke University Press and co-organizes the Octopod poetry & music series. Her work has appeared widely, including Matter Monthly, Salt Hill, What are Birds?, A Gathering of Tribes, PANK, and elsewhere.