MFA Alum Woogee Bae interviews Dao Strom for Full Stop

The latest issue of Full Stop, a journal of reviews and interviews, includes a lengthy interview between Woogee Bae (MFA, 2019) and author, artist, and musician Dao Strom. Strom previously visited the MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics as a speaker at the 2018 Fall Convergence on Poetics and returned as the 2019 Guest Artist at the MFA spring Festival.
Full of insights and a resonant unpacking of Strom’s poetics, process, and influences, the conversation directly addresses Strom’s work both on and off the page. It centers on Instrument, Strom’s most recent poetry collection from Fonograf Editions, which is accompanied by the album Traveler’s Ode. Based in Portland, OR, Strom is the co-founder of the collective She Who Has No Master(s) and the De-Canon project. Her previous books include You Will Always Be Someone From Somewhere Else, We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People, The Gentle Order of Girls and Boys and Grass Roof, Tin Roof.