Alice Pedersen presents at the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education and National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conferences

IAS faculty member Alice Pedersen presented at two conferences this fall. In early November, she presented on the intersection of contemplative pedagogies with Zoom teaching at the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education annual conference with a poster titled "Creating Community when the Zoom is Down: Experiences in Creating Connection Online in a First-Year Seminar During a Global Pandemic."
Later in the month, she chaired a panel at the National Women's Studies Association titled "Transnational Feminist Methodology: Conflict and Collaboration." As part of the panel, she presented a paper on her research and work to center contemplative praxis as a feminist method for engagement across the classroom, administrative, and institution-building spaces. That paper is titled "Contemplative Praxis Across Diverse Institutional Spaces: Notes from the Field."