IAS faculty and staff receive Connected Learning Excellence Awards
Eleven IAS faculty members and one staff member have received Connected Learning Excellence Awards for eight projects. The Connected Learning Excellence Award is intended to support UW Bothell faculty and faculty led teams who provide high impact experiential learning opportunities for students. The IAS recipients and their projects for 2021 are:
- Gavin Doyle & Avery Shinneman – IAS; Dr. Charity Lovitt – STEM
Project Title: HIPs for FYPPs: Connecting Pre-major Students to High Impact Practices - Denise Hattwig & Penelope Wood – UW Bothell/Cascadia College Library; Julie Shayne – IAS
Project Title: Badass Womxn in the Pacific Northwest Zine made by the students in Dr. Julie Shayne’s “Rad Women in the Global South” - Ben Gardner, Ron Krabill & Eva Navarijo – IAS; Natalia Dyba – Global Initiatives
Project Title: UW Bothell Global Scholars Program - Melanie Malone
Project Title: Determining the Roots of Contamination in Urban Community Gardens - Anida Yoeu Ali & Masahiro Sugano
Project Title: Global Media Lab Course - Ching-In Chen
Project Title: BIPOC Story Circle Project - Denise Vaughan
Project Title: Speech and Debate - Christian Anderson
Project Title: Seattle Black Spatial Histories Institute Proposal
Congratulations, all!