Rachel Foote, Jennifer Keene, and Lisa Olason receive IAS Staff Recognition Awards
IAS staff are talented and valuable individuals, often performing work behind the scenes to keep the school functioning and to enable exceptional impact. In February, IAS established staff recognition awards to honor staff members for their extraordinary service, skillful leadership, completing special projects, significant dedication, or other outstanding achievements.
IAS staff members Rachel Foote, Jennifer Keene, and Lisa Olason are the first recipients of these awards.
Rachel Foote, IAS Curriculum Planning & Assessment Specialist, is recognized as a key member of the IAS Strategic Planning and Budget Summer Task Force. Her deep knowledge of IAS curriculum and processes and her skill in presenting complex data in meaningful and understandable ways, allowed the group to successfully create a detailed analysis and report of required fiscal operating guidelines. With time commitments above and beyond expectations, her contributions were vital to the success of the committee. Foote was nominated by staff member Jennifer Keene.

As IAS administrator, Jennifer Keene co-chaired the IAS Strategic Planning and Budget Summer Task Force, applying her expertise in project management and knowledge of budget planning and implementation to help lead the group to successful outcomes that will positively impact IAS for the next 5-10 years. Keene was nominated by IAS faculty member Camille Walsh.

Through her extraordinary service, skillful leadership, and significant dedication as the Alumni & Community Relations Manager, Lisa Olason has single-handedly built the IAS alumni engagement program. With an unflagging sense of commitment, she has performed a massive outreach and organizing effort – 200+ social media posts and 60+ stories last year alone – core to graduate outreach and recruitment efforts, and now integral to reimagining Student Communications and the IAS Undergraduate Majors web pages. Olason was nominated by staff member Miriam Bartha.