Ching-In Chen curates a series of new poems in response to a New Asian Futurisms exhibit

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen has curated a series of new poems in response to a New Asian Futurisms exhibit currently on display at Philadelphia’s Asian Arts Initiative through December 6. In New Asian Futurisms, artists re-repaired the imaginations of fragmented pasts and observed multiple histories of diverse communities in looking forward to the future.
In their work as part of the exhibition working group, Chen invited Vidhu Aggarwal, Woogee Bae (MFA ’19), Rachelle Cruz, Jai Dulani, Kenji C. Liu, Bushra Rehman, Margaret Rhee and Bryan Thao Worra to compose work in response to the visual work of Saks Afridi, Melissa Chen, Amir-Behan Jahanbin, JiSoo Lee, Firoz Mahmud, Leeroy New, Tomorrow We Inherit the Earth: The Queer Intifada and Eva WÇ’. Chen’s introduction and the poems can be found in the exhibition catalogue, available for free on the Asian Arts Initiative website.