Review of Alka Kurian’s New Feminisms in South Asian Social Media, Film, and Literature

IAS faculty member Alka Kurian's book New Feminisms in South Asian Social Media, Film, and Literature has been reviewed in the Postcoclonial Studies journal. In "Recasting feministic discourses in postcolonial South Asia: an interventionist reading," (March 2019, Postcolonial Studies), reviewer Priyanka Tripathi claims that "Within contemporary socio-cultural and political landscape of India, where violence against women is alarmingly on the rise, New Feminisms in South Asia makes a significant intervention in understanding and analysing the topology of gendered violence, its causes and concerns …[and offers] …. a comprehensive account of ‘resurgence and re-imagination of feminist discourses on gender and sexuality in South Asia as expressed through its theoretical, cinematic, literary, and social media narratives.’ While clearly chalking out how fourth wave of feminism has come forth as a theory and practice penetrating deep into the thick patriarchal and feudal socio-cultural fabric of South Asia, the book meticulously analyses the impact it has created in society."