Washington Prison History Project in the news

Washington Prison History Project, a digital initiative codirected by IAS faculty member Dan Berger, has been in the news. OZY published an article about The Warden Game, a text-adventure game housed on the project's website. The game was designed by someone incarcerated at the Washington State Reformatory in the late 1980s; it was revamped and redesigned by Berger and Master of Arts in Cultural Studies alumna Magdalena Donea, both of whom are interviewed in the article, along with Ed Mead, the game's original designer.
In June, PubWest awarded a Bronze Prize for Book Design to Concrete Mama, the photo-essay book about the Washington State Penitentiary in the 1970s. Long out of print, the book was republished by UW Press earlier this year, with an introduction by Berger.