IAS faculty present at Latinx Studies Association Conference

IAS faculty members Jade Power-Sotomayor, José Fusté, and Yolanda Padilla presented at the Latinx Studies Association Conference in Washington, D.C. Jade Power-Sotomayor presented a paper titled: “Zumba and its Discontents: The Extravagance and Ordinariness of Embodied Latinidad” as part of a panel titled “From Broadway to Zumba: Performing Latinidades Across Sound and Body.” José I. Fusté presented a paper titled “María’s Uncounted: Accounting for Boricua Subalternities in the Face of (Un)natural Disasters and Debt Colonialism” as part of a panel titled “Afro-Latinx Studies Now: Histories, Hurricanes, and Futurities: The Futures of Afro-Latinx Studies Part 3: Of Hurricanes, Colonial Dystopias, and Resistance.” Padilla participated in a roundtable called “New Books in Latinx Studies” in which she discussed her edited volume Bridges, Borders, and Breaks: History, Narrative, and Nation in 21st-Century Chicana/o Literary Criticism (Pittsburgh, 2016). She also shared teaching strategies and assignments in a panel called “Latinx (Im)migrant Pedagogies.”