Kristin Gustafson and Rena Kawasaki Present Joint Research in Japan

IAS faculty member Kristin Gustafson and IAS alumna Rena Kawasaki (’13, Community Psychology) traveled to Fukuoka, Japan for the International Communication Association (ICA) pre-conference, “Crossing Borders: Researching Transnational Media History.” They presented their collaborative research project, “Shifting language transnationally: Japan’s national language program and a U.S. Japanese-language newspaper before and after WWII.”
Prior to the ICA pre-conference, Gustafson and Kawasaki traveled to Kyushu University to talk about their research with three scholars: Dr. Jordan Pollack, professor of cultural anthropology and deputy director of the International Student Center, Dr. Andrea Germer, and Dr. Narahiko Inoue, both faculty of Languages and Cultures at Kyushu University.
Pictured left to right: Gustafson, Pollack (who coordinated the visit to Kyushu University), and Kawasaki

Pictured left to right: Gustafson, Kawasaki, Germer, Inoue
Gustafson and Kawasaki also went to one of the daily newspapers to discuss their research project with Mr. Ryuichi Mimura, director of the international section of Nishinippon Shimbun.
Pictured left to right: Kawasaki, Gustafson, Mimura