Jed Murr Publishes in La Norda Specialo

IAS faculty member Jed Murr's lyric essay, "some notes on preterition (n., countable and uncountable)," appeared in the most recent edition of the Northwest arts writing journal, La Norda Specialo. The issue, edited by Steven M. Miller and with contributions from Leena Joshi, Natalie A. Martínez, Kate Boyd, Michelle Peñaloza, and Storme Webber, features lyric essays about or in relation to PNW artists. Murr's essay takes flight from a series of works by Seattle-based visual artist Julia Freeman and its dialogue with the work of Fred Moten, Robin D.G. Kelley, and Nick Mitchell, among others. La Norda is available in print at 4Culture, the Hedreen Gallery, the Henry Art Gallery, Frye Museum Store, SEASON, SOIL Gallery, the Northwest African American Museum, the women's bathroom at the Hideout, Glass Box Gallery, Greg Kucera Gallery, The Alice gallery, Interstitial and Bridge Productions, and at the New Foundation Seattle Library.