Julie Hurst to be the New Director of Campus Engagement at Seattle University

Master of Arts in Cultural Studies alum (2015) Julie Hurst will be the new Director of Campus Engagement in the Center for Service and Engagement at Seattle University. Julie worked previously in the fields of Student Affairs and Study Abroad. As a graduate student in IAS, her Cultural Studies capstone research focused on digital storytelling as a means to engage underrepresented students in surfacing and exploring difficult experiences such as discrimination and micro-aggressions in the context of studying abroad. Her research argues for the importance of not only pre-departure preparation of students for study abroad experiences, but also post-return reflection and processing. Julie also served in the elected student leadership position of Cultural Studies Graduate Student Liaison. In her new position at Seattle University, she will be part of the team dedicated to engaging SU students and faculty in local social change efforts and building SU’s profile in the field of community engagement.