Sarita Y. Shukla, Ph.D.
Associate Teaching Professor

Box: 358531
Office: UW1-342
Phone: 425-352-5214
- Ph.D., Educational Psychology, University of Kentucky, 2012
- B.Ed. Education, University of Mumbai, 2003
- M.A. History, University of Mumbai, 2000
- B.A. History, University of Mumbai, 1998
Academic Interests
Dr. Shukla served as an elementary school teacher for an amazing, brilliant group of students. At that time, she often found herself wondering about her own formative experiences as a student and how that changed/evolved in her role as a teacher. This experience served as a catalyst for a life-long interest in understanding teaching-learning contexts. To pursue this interest, she enrolled in a PhD program in educational psychology. Her personal and professional experiences during her formative years, made her lean into the areas of parental involvement, achievement motivation, and student engagement as topics of inquiry. She deepened her interest in these areas during her doctoral program. As Dr. Shukla started teaching in a transnational context, her interests evolved to thinking more deeply about the contexts of students’ lives, student identity, ethno-racial socialization, and equitable teaching practices. These areas have now become the primary focus of her teaching and research work.
- BEDUC 210 – Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society
- BEDUC 250 – Motivation in Education
- BEDUC 300 – Research and Educational Knowledge
- BEDUC 310 – Theories of Learning, Culture, and Identity
- BEDUC 399 – Introduction to the Capstone
- BEDUC 495 – Applied Experience
- BEDUC 499 – Capstone Project
- Associate Teaching Professor, Educational Foundations, School of Educational Studies, University of Washington Bothell
- Assistant Teaching Professor, Educational Foundations, School of Educational Studies, University of Washington Bothell
- Instructor, Educational Foundations, Educational Psychology, School of Educational Studies, University of Washington Bothell
- Part-time Instructor, Educational Foundations, College of Education, Western Washington University
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Educational Psychology, College of Education, University of Kentucky
- Elementary School Teacher, AECS School, Mumbai, India
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Shukla, S. Y., Thompson, F., & Shear, S. B. (in press). Commitments to doing differently: Paradigm shifts necessary for critical educational psychology research. Contemporary Educational Psychology
- Nicolai, K. D., Talib, T. L., Jackman-Ryan, S., Boyd, N. L., Zengilowski, A., Shukla, S.Y., & Chen, J. (in press). An anti-colonial approach to deconstructing and reconstructing educational psychology theories. Contemporary Educational Psychology
- Shukla, S.Y., Theobald, E. J., Abraham, J. K., & Price, R. M. (2022). Reframing educational outcomes: Moving beyond achievement gaps. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 21 (2).
- Kumar, R., & Shukla, S. Y. (2021).Growing up Asian-Indian in the United States: Adolescents’ and youth’s identity development and psychosocial adaptation. In N.Babu, A. Prakash, & I. Upadhyay (Eds.) Psychology of Vulnerability: Viewpoints and Dialogue.New Delhi, India: Sage Publications.
- Kumar, R., & Shukla, S. Y. (2019). The Asian Indian Hindu Immigrant Adolescents’ Experiences of Home-School Cultural Dissonance and Achievement Motivations: Do Parenting Practices Matter? In G. A. D. Liem & S. Tan (Eds.) Student Motivation and Growth: Asian Insights. London, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Shukla, S. Y., Tombari, A. K., Toland, M. D., & Danner, F. W. (2015). At-home parental support for learning and high school students’ academic motivation and persistence in mathematics. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5(1).
Other Scholarly Work
- Shukla, S. Y. (2024, July). APA Division Race and Diversity Committee Syllabus Challenge. Co-Creator of the online 5-day syllabus challenge materials. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2020, September). Theater of the Oppressed: Two by three by Bradford. Contributed to the Community Building Activities for OneHE. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2015). Review of How Children Succeed [Review of the book How children succeed: Grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character.] Journal of Educational Controversy, 9(1). Retrieved from
Selected Educational Blogs
- Shukla, S. & Conaway, T. (2024, May 6). Epiphanies with Christina Hendricks. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. (2023, July 18). Toolkit for student success. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S., Price, B., & Conaway, T. (2023, March 23). Epiphanies with Shelly, Alisa, and Alan. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. (2023, March 10). Demystify assignment rubrics to promote student agency. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S., McNabb, S., Price, B., Nesvig, C., Niitsu, K., & Conaway, T. (2023, February 22). Epiphanies with David Goldstein. Retrieved from
- Price, B., McNabb, S, Nesvig, C., & Shukla, S. (2022, December 21). Epiphanies with Mike Caulfield. Retrieved from
- McNabb, S., Price, B., Chen, M., Shukla, S., & Conaway, T. (2022, October 21). Epiphanies with Alyson Indrunas. Retrieved from
- McNabb, S., Price, B., Chen, M., Shukla, S., & Conaway, T. (2022, May 26). Epiphanies with Terry Greene. Retrieved from
- Price, B., Chen, M., Shukla, S., & Conaway, T. (2022, April 20). Epiphanies with Claire Howell Major. Retrieved from
- McNabb, S., Doyle, G., Niitsu, K., Shukla, S., Price, B., & Conaway, T. (2022, March 10). Epiphanies with Jim Groom. Retrieved from
- Price, B., Shukla, S., McNabb, S., Conaway, T., Niitsu, K. (2022, February 24). Epiphanies from the field: Fireside guest Lisa Young. Retrieved from
- Price, B., McNabb, S., Niitsu, K., Conaway, T., & Shukla, S.(2022, January 30). A Pressbooks story with Robin DeRosa. Retrieved from
- Doyle, G., Price, B., Shukla, S. Y., Chen, M., & McNabb, S. (2021, May 21). Our Chapbook. Contributed to this collective compilation of our work for the Teaching and Learning on the Open Web LC. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2021, April 2). Note-taking as an inclusive pedagogical tool. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2021, January 25). Vision 2020. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2020, March 6). Ungrading: A Chapbook. Contributed to this collaborative collection about alternative assessment. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2020, March 18). Getting outside the LMS: Leveraging Padlet for your classroom needs. Retrieved from
- Van Galen, J., Chen, M., Conaway, T. Price, R.M., Shukla, S.Y., Doyle, G., & Maxwell, C. (2019). Teaching and learning on the open web. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y., & Price, R. M. (2018, August 31). Online annotation tools that help students discuss readings. Retrieved from
- Originally published on the UW Bothell Office of Digital Learning & Innovation blog
Selected Refereed Presentations
- Shukla, S. Y. (2023, May). Moving practice away from achievement gaps to amplify student learning. In B. E. Cross (Chair), Interrogating opportunity gaps: The role of educational research in consequential truths, justices, and equity [Symposium]. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (virtual component).
- Shukla, S., Berger, A., & Hattwig, D. (2023, April). Critique and care: Positioning an undergraduate open web project as a site for critical learning [Poster presentation]. Annual University of Washington Teaching and Learning Symposium (Faculty Showcase).
- Theobald, E., Shukla, S., Price, R., & Abraham, J. (2022, April). Asset-based teaching: humanizing teaching by moving away from achievement gaps [Poster presentation]. Annual University of Washington Teaching and Learning Symposium (Online).
- Lovitt, C., Goldstein, D., Janssen, L. & Shukla, S. (2021, June). Getting buy-in from faculty (cross-disciplinary collaboration) [Online Panel]. Mastery Grading Conference.
- Shukla, S. Y. (2020, April). Why I stopped grading and what I learned [Poster presentation]. Annual University of Washington Teaching and Learning Symposium (Online), Seattle, WA.
- Radow, M. & Shukla, S. Y. (2019, October). Housing, highways, and race, building inequality [Workshop]. Annual Northwest Teaching for Social Justice Conference, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. & Kumar, R. (2019, August). Asian Indian-American adolescents’ identity development and psychosocial adaptation in the U.S. [Poster presentation]. Annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
- Finley, B., Shukla, S., Galindo, H., & Watts, L. (2017, April). Student perception and response to feedback on writing assignments [Poster presentation]. Annual University of Washington Teaching and Learning Symposium, Seattle, WA.
- Shukla, S. Y. (2016, April). Mentoring preservice teacher candidates [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of EvCC Mentoring Conference, Everett, WA.
- Shukla, S. (2015, December). Supporting ELL student academic engagement through parental involvement [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of Washington Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.
- Shukla, S., Tombari, A. K., & Danner, F. (2012, April). Parental support for learning and high school student’s academic motivation and persistence in mathematics [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
- Shukla, S. (2011, April). Predictors of kindergartners’ academic achievement: Importance of parental well-being and involvement [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Shukla, S. (2010, April). Associations between student motivation and engagement: Goal orientation theory perspective [Paper presentation]. Annual Spring Graduate Student Research Conference, Lexington, KY.
- Shukla, S. (2010, April). Mediational role of parental involvement in the relation between parental well-being and child outcomes [Poster presentation]. Annual University of Kentucky Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Conference, Lexington, KY.
- Shukla, S., Allen, J. L., & Hahn, K. J. (2008, March). High school absenteeism and its relation with perceived social support, socio-economic status and student ethnicity [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York.
Selected Invited Presentations
- Kumar, R. & Shukla, S. (2024, August). Critical Conversation: A conversation on building an anti-colonial educational psychology syllabus. [Invited panel hosted by Div. 15 Educational Psychology Race and Diversity Committee; Co-Chairs Christy Byrd and Aletta Sanders]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.
- Shukla, S., Kenworthy, N., Chen, C., & Thompson, A. (2024, March). Syllabus makeover event. [Invited panel hosted as a hybrid event with online and in-person options]. University of Washington-Bothell.
- Shukla, S. (2024, January 12). What is a liquid syllabus? [Invited talk on application of web tools for creating a welcoming class environment]. Teaching and Learning on the Open Web Learning Community, University of Washington, Bothell.
- Shukla, S. (2023, April). Teaching & Learning Panel [Invited panel]. Center for Teaching and Learning University of Washington, Seattle.
- Shukla, S. & Theobald, E. (2023, March). Translating research to practice: Enacting ethics of care and community cultural wealth in the biology classroom [Invited talk]. Online Inclusive Teaching Symposium hosted by the National Association of Biology Teachers.
- The 2023 Online Inclusive Teaching Symposium theme is based on a recent essay that I coauthored titled: Reframing educational outcomes: Moving beyond achievement gaps
- Shukla, S. & Theobald, E. (2022, December). Biotechnology program journal club [Invited talk]. Held online via Zoom by NC State Biotechnology Program.
- Shukla, S. & Morse, J. (2021-2022). Designing inclusive syllabi [Three-part workshop series]. Equity Across the Curriculum Initiative, University of Washington, Bothell, WA. Recorded workshop one and workshop two links retrieved from YouTube.
- Shukla, S. Y. & Moon, P. (2020, August). Community-building and engagement in online spaces [Online workshop]. Discovery Core Program, University of Washington, Bothell, WA.
- Shukla, S. Y. (2020, December). Creating a welcoming and supportive learning environment [Invited contribution]. Teaching Remotely Instructor Quick Tip Videos, UW Center for Teaching and Learning, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2020, May). Hope and teaching in the time of a pandemic [Invited online panel]. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2020, January). Getting outside the LMS: The use of Padlet entry/exit tickets [Invited talk]. University of Washington-Bothell eLearning symposium, Bothell, WA. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2019, September). Just-in-time teaching panel [Invited panel]. University of Washington-Bothell New Faculty Orientation, Bothell, WA.
- Radow, M. & Shukla, S. Y. (2019, August). Housing, Highways, and Race, Building Inequalities [Invited workshop]. Highline Public Schools Equity Symposium, Mt. Rainier High School, Des Moines, WA.
- Shukla, S. Y. (2019, July). Using a video annotation tool in teaching [Invited talk]. University of Washington-Bothell eLearning symposium, Bothell, WA. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y. (2019, January). Student well-being and motivation: The case for parental achievement goals [Invited workshop]. Bear Creek Elementary School, Woodinville, WA.
- Shukla, S. Y. (2018, July). Digital tools for your instructional toolbox [Invited talk]. University of Washington-Bothell eLearning symposium, Bothell, WA. Retrieved from
- Shukla, S. Y., & Voyles, K. (2018, May). Belonging and growth mindset [Invited presentation]. University of Washington Bothell Faculty Learning Community Showcase, Bothell, WA.
- Shukla, S. (2013, April). Do we need multicultural education? [Workshop] Celebrating Diversity in Education Conference, Bellingham, WA.