Antony T. Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Box: 358531
Office: UW1-271L
Phone: 425-352-5416
- Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Washington Seattle
- M.Ed. Elementary Education, University of Washington Seattle
- Post-B.A. Study, Russian Language and Literature, St. Petersburg Institute of Finance and Economics
- B.A. English Literature and Russian Language, University of Oregon
Academic Interests
Dr. Smith is Associate Professor in the School of Educational Studies at the University of Washington, Bothell, where he teaches courses in teacher education, research methods, and literacy assessment and instruction. He is interested in disciplinary literacy K-12, and his current research projects focus on elements of reading such as comprehension and vocabulary and how these can be developed through interactive read-alouds, mathematics, and children’s literature. He is co-author of three books: Why We Drop Out: Understanding and Disrupting Student Pathways to Leaving School (2017) Mathematizing Children’s Literature: Sparking Connections, Joy, and Wonder through Read-Alouds and Discussion (2022), and A Cyclical Model of Literacy Learning: Expanding the Gradual Release of Responsibility (in press).
- BEDUC 250 – Topics in Education and Popular Culture: Banned Books and Controversial Topics in Children’s Literature and Young Adult Fiction
- BEDUC 409 – Knowing, Teaching and Assessing in Reading, Writing and Communication I
- BEDUC 410 – Knowing, Teaching and Assessing in Reading, Writing and Communication II
- BEDUC 495 – Applied Experience
- BEDUC 501 – Inquiry in Education
Professional Affiliations
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- International Reading Association (IRA)
- Literacy Research Association (LRA)
- National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
- Washington Educational Research Association (WERA)
Honors & Awards
- 2012 International Reading Association Dina Feitelson Research Award, for the research article, “Oral reading fluency assessment: Issues of construct, criterion, and consequential validity” published in Reading Research Quarterly (2010) by Valencia, Smith, Reece, Li, Wixson, and Newman.
- 2006 National Reading Conference Student Outstanding Research Award, for the research paper, “The middle school literacy coach: Roles, contexts, and connections to teaching” presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference (2006, December), Los Angeles, CA.
Selected Publications
- Hintz, A., Smith, A. T., & Wu, M.-M. (2023). Reading by numbers: Four kinds of books you can count on. School Library Journal, 69(8), 37-40.
- Hintz, A., Smith, A. T., Gray, K., Gannon, E., & Wishart, A. Story Time STEM: Nurturing children’s joy and wonder through shared reading experiences (2020). Young Children, 75(2), 30–35.
- Minnery, A., & Smith, A. T. (2018). Close sentence reading to foster decoding and comprehension. The Reading Teacher, 71(6), 743-748.
- Feldman, D., Smith, A. T., & Waxman, B. (2017). Why we drop out: Understanding and disrupting student pathways to leaving school. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Smith, A. T. (2015). Literacy research position statement: Deepening knowledge, finding voice. An instructional activity. In D. Litt., S, Martin, & N. Place, Promising Practices in Literacy Teacher Education. NY: Guilford Press.
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2013). Mathematizing read-alouds in three easy steps. The Reading Teacher, 67(2), 103-108.
- Smith, A. T., & Angotti, R. (2012). So many words! Planning for content-area vocabulary instruction. Voices from the Middle, 19(4), 43-51.
- Smith, A. T. (2012). Middle school literacy coaching from the coach’s perspective. Research in Middle Level Education Online, 35(5), 1-16.
- Place, N. A., Smith, A. T., Bebee, J., Desmond, S., Luczak, P., & McCaig, C. (2011). School-university collaboration: Creating a hybrid space for literacy learning. Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices, 9(2), 147-156.
- Smith, A. T., & Place, N.A. (2011). Fostering teaching and learning through an inquiry-based literacy course. New Educator, 7(4), 1-20.
- Smith, A. T. (2010). The middle school literacy coach: Navigating multiple contexts. In K. F. Malu (Ed.), Voices from the middle: Narratives for, by, and about the middle level community (pp. 213-235). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Valencia, S. W., Smith, A. T., Reece, A. M., Li, M., Wixson, K. K., & Newman, H. (2010). Oral reading fluency assessment: Issues of construct, criterion, and consequential validity. Reading Research Quarterly, 45(3), 270-291.
Selected Presentations
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2024, February). Mathematizing children’s literature: Sparking connections, joy, and wonder. District of Columbia Public Schools Parent University (online).
- Hintz, A., Smith, A. T., Seitz, K., Nuese, E., & Carrasquilla, M. (2023, October). Mathematizing children’s literature: Nurturing students’ sense of belonging through read-alouds. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, DC.
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2023, February). Mathematizing children’s literature: Sparking connections, joy, and wonder through read-alouds and discussion. Invited speaker presentation, Wisconsin State Reading Association Literacy Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
- Brown, S., Hinman, T. B., Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2022, December). Navigating conversations together around DEI: Applying Gee’s discourse analysis approach to adults and children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Phoenix, AZ.
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2022, November). Learning together as educators: Supporting teacher learning through mathematizing children’s literature. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Conference on English Leadership, Anaheim, CA.
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2022, November). Mathematizing children’s literature: Sparking connections, joy, and wonder through read-alouds and discussion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Anaheim, CA.
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2022, September). Mathematizing children’s literature: Sparking connections, joy, and wonder through read-alouds and discussion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Los Angeles, CA.
- Smith, A. T., & Hintz, A. (2022, June). Mathematizing children’s literature: Sparking connections, joy, and wonder through read-alouds and discussion. Spotlight on Dyslexia Online Webinar 2022 sponsored by Learning Ally.
- Smith, A. T., & Hintz, A. (2021, December). Story Time STEM: Building understanding and exploring diversity through mathematized read-alouds. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Minnery, A., & Smith, A. T. (2019, December). Challenging and supporting young readers to engage with complex text. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
- Hintz, A. & Smith. A. T. (2019, October). Engaging students in sense-making discussion of mathematics through children’s literature. Paper presented at the Northwest Mathematics Conference, Tacoma, WA.
- Smith, A. T., & Hintz, A. (2019, April). Story Time STEM: Disciplinary learning through shared reading experiences. Poster presentation in an interactive poster session, Weaving Stories into STEM Learning, presented annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Hintz, A., Gray, K., & Smith, A. T. (2019, April). Using learning labs to support teachers’ learning through mathematizing literature. Paper presented at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Hintz, A., Smith, A. T., Gray, K, & Gannon, E. (2018, April). Story time STEM: Disciplinary learning through shared reading experiences. Poster presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, Washington D.C.
- Hintz, A., Smith, A.T., Gray, K., & Gannon, E. (2018, April). Supporting early mathematics through children’s literature. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, D.C.
- Smith, A. T., & Townsend, D. (2017, December). Academic language in math and science. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
- Minnery, A., Mohr, L., & Smith, A. T. (2017, December). More than decoding: Engaging young readers in productive struggle. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Washington Educational Research Association, Seatac, WA.
- Smith, A. T., Feldman, D., & Waxman, B. (2017, November). “I hate reading out loud:” Disconnected youth perspectives on literacy learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2017, July). Story Time STEM: Mathematizing children’s literature. Paper and interactive workshop presented at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Orlando, FL.
- Smith, A. T., Feldman, D., & Waxman, B. (2013, December). Youth perspectives on dropping out of School: Pathways and off-ramps. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Washington Educational Research Association, Seatac, WA.
- Smith, A. T., & Hintz, A. (2013, December). Mathematizing read-alouds in kindergarten classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX.
- Smith, A. T., & Waxman, B. (2013, June). How do we keep our students in School? Listening to and learning from disconnected youth. Paper presented at ‘Closing the Opportunity Gap,’ a conference hosted by the Center for Strong Schools, University of Washington Tacoma, Tacoma, WA.
- Smith, A. T., & Place, N. A. (2012, April). Literacy Documentation Project: Using research to inform curriculum and instruction decisions at the district level. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC.
- Smith, A. T., & Van Galen, J. (2011, December). Digital tools for literacy: Utilizing mobile technologies to impact teacher knowledge and increase student learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Jacksonville, FL.
- Place, N. A., & Smith, A. T. (2010, December). Aspects of reading: Literacy assessment of an intermediate-grade student. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association/National Reading Conference, Fort Worth, TX.
- Smith, A. T., & Angotti, R. (2010, October). English language learners and mathematics vocabulary: 5 C’s of planning and instruction. Paper presented at the annual Conference on Math Education and Social Justice, Brooklyn, NY.
- Smith, A. T., & Angotti, R. (2010, April). Fostering conceptual understanding through reading-math connections. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, CA.
- Smith, A. T., & Reece, A. M. (2009, December). An examination of linguistically diverse adolescent students’ recall of informational texts using scaffolded prompts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- Smith, A. T., & Place, N. A., (2009, December). Assessment and analysis of an emergent reader. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- Smith, A. T. (2009, April). Using composite narrative as a tool for analyzing and presenting qualitative data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
- Smith, A. T., & Place, N. (2009, April). Redesigning a pre-service literacy methods course: A situated approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
- Smith, A. T. (2008, December). Exploring middle school literacy coach perspectives on coaching roles, teacher change, and student learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Smith, A. T., Reece, A. M., & Valencia, S. W. (2007, December). Adolescent English language learning students’ main ideas recall of grade level text. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.
- Valencia, S. W., Reece, A., Smith, A. T., Newman, H., & Li, M. (2006, December). Oral reading fluency and ELL students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
- Valencia, S. W., Smith, A. T., Newman, H., Reece, A., Li, M. (2006, March). Oral reading fluency assessment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.