Allison Hintz, Ph.D.

Box: 358531
Office: UW1-271O
Phone: 425-352-3732
- Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction (Mathematics Education), University of Washington Seattle
- M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction (Mathematics Education), University of Washington, Seattle
- B.A., Education, Washington State University
Academic Interests
Dr. Hintz’s research and teaching focus on mathematics education. Her fascination with mathematics was alive as a child outside of schooling, curious about numbers, quantities, patterns, shapes, asking questions, and making sense of the world. But it wasn’t until her years as a fifth-grade teacher, alongside students, that she developed a positive identity as a mathematician within schooling! Those elementary students’ brilliance, and the impact of engaging in meaningful professional learning through UW, sparked an insatiable curiosity for understanding mathematicians and designing and facilitating discussions that support their thriving.
Today she studies mathematics learning and teaching, in partnership with educators, children, and families in a wide range of community contexts. She is especially committed to co-designing community-engaged partnerships for community thriving. Current active community engaged research projects focus on Pathways to Culturally and Linguistically Relevant and Sustaining Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation to Support Multilingual Learners (funded by The Spencer Foundation) in partnership with UWB SES colleagues and the Northshore School District. The project focuses on co-designing and building a multi-tiered system of teacher preparation and professional development that focuses on how K-12 teachers come into the practice of culturally and linguistically relevant and sustaining mathematics and science education for multilingual learners. Also, the LEADER Initiative: Leaders in Education Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Racial Justice (Funded by College Spark Washington) to form a regional coalition of fourteen partner institutions, including school districts, community-based organizations, and teacher preparation programs, in order to increase and inform capacity as regional partners to recruit and serve teachers from historically underrepresented groups in education, improve retention and graduation rates for teachers of color, and prepare an educational system that is designed to sustain the well-being and thriving of culturally and linguistically diverse teachers.
Dr. Hintz is delighted to be co-authoring a second edition of Intentional Talk: How to structure and lead productive mathematical discussion. It has been a decade since the first edition and the field has learned a lot about classroom discourse that will be integrated into the new edition. A particular area of learning within the field of discourse has been at the heart of Dr. Hintz’s work is researching deeper understandings of the ways students and teachers listen to each other and themselves during discussions.
Dr. Hintz is grateful to learn with and from students as they deepen their sense of self as a mathematician and educator. She lives in Seattle with her husband, children who are in high school and middle school, and two silly Labrador dogs!
- B EDUC 170 – Math for Elementary Teachers
- B EDUC 418 – Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Intermediate Level Mathematics
- B EDUC 419 – Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Mathematics
- B EDUC 581 – Discourse in the Math and Science Classroom
- B EDUC 591 – Fostering Early Numeracy
- Professor, School of Educational Studies, Mathematics Education, University of Washington, Bothell
- Associate Dean of Certification, School of Educational Studies, University of Washington, Bothell
- Assistant Professor, School of Educational Studies, Mathematics Education, University of Washington, Bothell
- Instructor, College of Education, Curriculum & Instruction, Mathematics Education, University of Washington, Seattle
- Research Assistant, College of Education, Curriculum & Instruction, Mathematics Education, University of Washington, Seattle
- Teaching Assistant, College of Education, Curriculum & Instruction, Mathematics Education, University of Washington, Seattle
- Elementary School Teacher, Mukilteo School District & Bellevue School District, Washington
Honors & Awards
- UWB Distinguished Teaching Award nominee, 2021, 2020, 2015, 2013
- UWB Outstanding Community-Engaged Scholar Award Nominee, 2020
- New England Resource Center for Higher Education and the Center for Engaged Democracy at Merrimack College, annual Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty Nominee, 2015
- Distinguished Paper Award, Washington Education Research Association, 2014
- Worthington Distinguished Scholar Award, University of Washington, Bothell, 2014
Selected Publications
Books and Book Chapters
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2022). Mathematizing Children’s Literature: Sparking Connections, Joy, and Wonder Through Read Alouds and Discussion. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
- Hintz, A. & Latimer, S. (2018). Counting Collections in the Primary Grades. In Franke, M., Kazemi, E. & Turrou, A. (Eds.) Choral Counting and Counting Collections: Transforming the PreK-5 Math Classroom. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
- Kazemi, E. & Hintz, A. (2014). Intentional Talk: Leading and Structuring Productive Mathematical Discussions. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
- English, A., Tyson, K., Hintz, A., Murdock, D. & Anderson, J. (2023). Measuring the environment, not the child: An exploratory study of how teachers listen to student struggle during mathematical discussion. Teachers and Teaching Special Issue: Uncertainty as Provocation in and of Teaching and Teacher Education.
- Bian, Y., Hintz, A., & Couto, A. (2023). Diversifying the teaching workforce: Lessons learned from a self-study in a teacher preparation program serving candidates of minoritized backgrounds. Washington Educational Research Association (WERA) Educational Journal, 3-13.
- Tyson, K., Hintz, A., & English, A. (2022). Hearing Silence: Understanding the complexities of silence in democratic classrooms and our responsibility as teachers and teacher educators to foster the collective. Democracy and Education, 30(1), 6.
- Murdoch, D., English, A., Hintz, A., & Tyson, K. (Dec 2020/Jan 2021). Feeling Heard: Inclusive Education, Transformative Learning, and Productive Struggle. Educational Theory, 70(5), 653-679.
- Hintz, A., Smith, A. T., Gray, K., Gannon, E., & Wishart, A. Story Time STEM: Nurturing children’s joy and wonder through shared reading experiences (2020). Young Children, 75(2), 30–35.
- Hintz, A., Tyson, K., & English, A. R. (2018). Actualizing the Rights of the Learner: The Role of Pedagogical Listening. Democracy and Education, 26(2), 8.
- Hintz, A. & Tyson, K. (2015). The Complexities of Listening: An analysis of student and teacher listening during mathematical discussion. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 17(4) 296-326.
- Hintz, A. (2014). Strengthening Discussions. Teaching Children Mathematics, 20(5), 318-324.
- Hintz, A. (2011). Understanding Students’ Experiences as Listeners During Mathematical Discussion. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 11(3), 261-272.
Selected Presentations
- Place, N., Hintz, A., & Todd, J. (April, 2014). Gradual Release Coaching: The development of practice for cooperating teachers and student teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA.
- Hintz, A. & Kazemi, E. (April, 2014). Leading Productive Mathematical Discussions Through Open and Targeted Sharing. Annual meeting of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, New Orleans, LA.
- Kazemi, E., Hintz, A., & Gibbons, L. (April, 2014). Math Labs: Designing high quality school-embedded math professional learning. Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Gibbons, L., Hintz, A., & Hartmann, L. (April, 2014). Teacher Time Out: A way to support the collective learning of Educators. Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Chan, A., & Hintz, A. (April, 2014). Supporting Early Numeracy Through Counting Collections. Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Hintz, A. & Kazemi, E. (April, 2014). Leading Productive Mathematical Discussions Through Open and Targeted Sharing. Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Hintz, A., Smith, T., & Lomax, K. (March 2014). Developing Strong and Joyful Young Learners of Mathematics. Washington Education Research Association P-3 Symposium, Seattle, WA.
- Hintz, A. & Gibbons, L. (February, 2014). Math Labs: Designing high quality school-embedded math professional learning. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA.
- Smith, A.T., & Hintz, A. (2013, December). Mathematizing Read-Alouds in Kindergarten Classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX.
- Hintz, A., Place, N., & Todd, J. (December 2013). The Three-Lesson Sequence: A focus on high leverage practice for teacher candidates and mentor teachers. Washington Education Research Association, Seattle, WA.
- Hintz, A., Lind, T., & Lomax, K. (October, 2013) The Power of Counting Collections. 90 minute workshop at the Northwest Mathematics Conference, Bellevue, Washington.
- Hintz, A. & Smith, T. (July, 2013). Mathematizing Read Alouds. Cognitively Guided Instruction Biennial National Mathematics Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
- Hintz, A., Lind, T., & Lomax, K. (July, 2013). The Power of Counting Collections. Cognitively Guided Instruction Biennial National Mathematics Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
- Hintz, A. & Tyson, K. (2013, April). Learning to Listen: Understanding and Supporting Elementary Students as Listeners During Mathematical Discussion. Paper presented with Laverty, M., Novak, B., Hunsburger, W., English, A. and Haroutunian-Gordon, S. [discussant] at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Hintz, A. (2012, April). Understanding and Supporting Elementary Students’ Experiences as Listeners During Mathematical Discussion. presented with Embrey, K., Haroutunian-Gordon, Hunsburger, W., S., Tyson, K., and Garrison, J. [discussant] at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, BC.
- Hintz, A., Kelley-Petersen, M. (2011, October). Mathematically Productive and Socially Supportive Discourse: A Teacher and Her Students’ Perspectives. Structured poster session at the annual meeting of the Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
- Hintz, A., Tyson, K. (2011, October). Listening Matters: Understanding the Other Side of Language in Mathematical Learning. Structured poster session at the annual meeting of the Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
- Hintz, A. (2011, October). Understanding Students’ Experiences as Listeners During Mathematical Discussion. 60 minute presentation at the Northwest Mathematics Conference, Portland, Oregon.
- Hintz, A., Chan, A., Kelley-Petersen, M. (2011, January). Exploration of an Instructional Activity: The Learning of Pre-service Teachers, In-service Teachers, and Elementary Students. Paper presented at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educator Conference, Irvine, California.
- Hintz, A. (2010, October). Students’ Experiences Learning Mathematics Through Whole Group Strategy Sharing Lessons. 50 minute presentation at the Northwest Mathematics Conference, Spokane, Washington.
- Campbell, S., Hintz, A., & Harrington, R. (2010, October). Solving the Problem of Multiple Solutions. 90 minute presentation at the Northwest Mathematics Conference, Spokane, Washington.
Invited Presentations
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2014, February). Mathematizing children’s books for reading aloud. Talk delivered to the children services librarians, Seattle Public Library, Seattle, WA.
- Invited co-leader of a discussion table Discourse in the Mathematics Classroom: Continuing the Discussion at the annual meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2014, February). Irvine, CA.
- Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2013, November). Mathematizing children books: Discovering the joy and wonder of mathematics in favorite stories. Talk delivered for the Front Porch Series: Broadcast Calls, hosted by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning, Early Childhood Knowledge and Learning Center, Washington, D.C.
- Invited speaker (2013, September). New Faculty Panel Discussion: Balancing teaching and research. University of Washington, Bothell.
- Invited speaker with Elham Kazemi. (2013, May). Developing strong, joyful young learners of mathematics. The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning Distinguished Lecture Series. Seattle, WA.
- Invited speaker with Tony Smith. (2013, April). Mathematizing read alouds. Seattle Public Libraries. Seattle, WA
- Research in Progress. (2012, November). How does School-Embedded Professional Development Support Ambitious and Equitable Teaching and Learning of Mathematics? University of Washington, Bothell.
- Discourse 2011 (2011, May). Understanding and Supporting Students as Mathematical Listeners. University of Washington, Bothell.
- Keynote Address. (2010, August). Facilitating Ambitious “Math Talk” to Support All Children’s Learning. Northshore School District “Get Connected” all district teacher in-service. 90-minute Presentation focused on core principles of “Math Talk” in Math Expressions curriculum.